Chapter 9 -Deck The Halls We Once Walked Through

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Bellatrix sat with her mother on the stiff and hard couch in the lounge. She was in a foul mood having been woken up an hour earlier than usual to begin getting ready for the Christmas party.

Her two sisters appeared from the grand doors at the other end of the room. As her mother got up to examine Narcissa Andromeda walked up to Bellatrix.

"Busy kissing up to mother again Bella?"

Bellatrix turned her glare towards her sister. "Having trouble living up to mother's expectations dear sister?"

Andromeda frowned but Bellatrix saw the tears clouding her eyes.

"Look Andy I'm not trying to do anything like that. You just have to do what she says."

Andromeda rolled her eyes and pushed her sister's hand away as she went to fix the collar of the dress she was wearing. "I can do it myself. It's not as easy as you make it sound. How do you not get angry?"

"Of course, I get angry." Bellatrix laughed, "I'm a Black. But I know it's better to play along with her power games than get punished. It doesn't get anyone ahead."

Andromeda sighed wistfully, "if only it were that easy for me."

"It will come in time." Bellatrix assured her.

"Girls." Came their mother's harsh voice from the hallway.

"Hurry up, you need to practice the dances for the evening before our guests arrive."

An hour later the three girls sat on the floor, brows glistening and cool glasses of water in hand.

"Again." their mother commanded sharply. They got up and ran through the dance again. Bellatrix swirled around the ballroom, imaginary partner in hand. She jumped at the creak of the wooden doors opening and someone walking through.



"You are three days late."

"I'm the one who runs the family business. I decide when I arrive."

All three girls had stopped dancing, choosing to watch their parents who glared at each other from other side of the room instead. Bellatrix swore she could feel their magic sparking in the air.

After several seconds of pointed staring Druella's heeled shoes echoed through the room's vaulted ceilings as they clicked on the marble. As she reached her husband, she reached her hand out and he bent his head down to kiss her hand.

"I am delighted to see you, my lord." Druella said boredom and distaste dripping from her tongue.

"And you as well my dear." Cygnus responded, not even bothering to look at his wife.

"Would you like to greet your daughter who is home from school?"

He nodded gruffly and turned towards his three daughters, all standing tense from the situation.

Bellatrix bowed her head at once kicking Andromeda's heel to remind her to do the same.

"Hello father." They mumbled almost in sequence.

"Bellatrix." Her father commanded, voice booming through the room. "I hear you have done well this term."

"Yes father. Though perhaps only well to the average witch's standards. I understand the exceptional is expected." This was the time to impress him, she realized. "I have taken it upon myself to start learning spells for next year as well so I may stay ahead."

Her father raised his eyebrows for a moment and Bellatrix relished the surprise she had managed to create.

"Well done child." He nodded and turned to greet his other two daughters.

Bellatrix looked up after her father had passed and felt herself freeze under her mother's gaze. It was an unmistakable look of pride.

After her father had exited the room Druella had the other girls run through the dance once more and called Bellatrix over.

"When asked about your time at Hogwarts this year how will you respond?"

"I have enjoyed the opportunity to learn and be exposed to a new environment." Said Bellatrix, a fake smile plastering her face.

"Perfect my child." Her mother whispered.

"Your' sisters may have yet to prove themselves, but you know what it takes to be a Black."

Bellatrix worked to suppress her grin "Yes I believe I do mother."

Then Bellatrix nearly jumped as her mother placed a hand on her shoulder. She almost never received physical affection from anyone, let alone her mother who was as cold as the Slytherin dungeons.

"You will do well child."

"Thank you." Bellatrix whispered. 

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