Chapter 10 - What If I Told You I'm a Mastermind?

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Bellatrix cringed at the nickname and hug that the blonde girl had just thrown at her.

"How was your Christmas?"

"Fine. Lots of family."

Rita frowned, slinging an arm over Bellatrix's shoulder which Bellatrix shrugged off. "Say no more."

"Anyways, I had a brilliant time. I spread the word to all my acquaintances that I had heard that if you put anonymous rumors in the helmet of that suit of armor near the kitchens you might be in the next edition of the rumor mill."

Bellatrix grinned at the thought of their little project. "So that's still on then."

"Of course!" Rita laughed. "Though it's gonna be hard to top our first edition."

"I actually had an idea for that."

Rita's eyes glinted. "Do share."

"I think the method of distribution should be different each time. It keeps things interesting, but it also makes it harder to catch whoever could be writing the cruel rumors."

Rita nodded solemnly "I don't know what I'd do without you Trix."

"Don't call me that." Bellatrix said.

"It'll grow on you." Rita assured her.

Bellatrix rolled her eyes.

When the girls got to the dorm Zabini and Carrow were already there.

"Welcome back ladies." Greeted Zabini. "How was your Christmas."

"Good." Bellatrix responded.

"Brilliant." Said Rita. "How was yours."

"Not so great. But my bad holidays were made better when I checked our donation pot."

Zabini pulled out several pieces of parchment and a handful of galleons.

"Twelve galleons total. And most of these are requests for things to put in not things to leave out."

"Oh brilliant!" Said Rita, grinning as she and Zabini began reading over the requests.

Bellatrix locked eyes with Carrow who was watching both girls.

"A word Alecto?"

The stocky girl got up and walked towards Bellatrix.

"I couldn't help but notice you aren't very involved in this little project."

"I suppose not."

Bellatrix nodded, flipping her wand through her fingers absentmindedly. "Right, well I suppose what I'm really saying is you aren't very involved in this little project of ours, but you are very aware of it."

Alecto raised an eyebrow giving a haughty look towards Bellatrix. "What an intelligent observation Black."

Bellatrix nodded "Yes, I thought so too. Here's the thing Alecto. You're a nice enough girl and you come from a good family. I'm sure it's old enough that it has some secrets and I'm sure you know how to keep them. However, my family has the largest and most ancient magical library in Britain. I can assure you I know more about your family than you think."

Alecto scowled at Bellatrix and moved closer "What exactly are you implying here Black?"

Bellatrix shrugged moving towards her own bed. "Nothing much Alecto. Just pointing out how if you run your mouth, I might be inclined to run mine. And I'm currently helping run a very prolific gossip magazine."

With that she flashed that fake Black smile she had mastered so well in Carrow's direction and climbed into bed.

She could've sword she heard muffled giggles coming from Rita's bed and realized the other two girls had heard the whole ordeal.

The next morning the girls got dressed and Rita wordlessly grabbed a brush pulling it through Bellatrix's tangled hair.

"Merlin Trix. I don't know how you can handle having this rat's nest on your head."

Scowling at the comment Bellatrix reached her arm up meaning to swat Rita but the small girl jumped out of the way quickly laughing to herself.

"Stop attacking me and get dressed. I am not going to be late for old Sluggy because you are an unkempt girl."

Staring at the other girl with a mock look of offence Bella began to tie her tie and then look for her cauldron and potions book.

The girls got to class and Slughorn greeted them with a jovial smile. "Ms. Skeeter and Black! As usual my earliest students."

They both mumbled a good morning to Slughorn and sat at their shared desk, watching while Slughorn wrote the potion for the day on the board.

As they set up their ingredients Rita playfully moved around the ingredients Bellatrix was so carefully organizing laughing at the other girl's obsession with orderliness.

The rest of the students streamed in and Slughorn began the class.

"Welcome back students, I trust you all had a good break?"

Murmurs of acknowledgement came from the children and Slughorn nodded at a frumpy looking girl who had her hand raised.

"Ms. Umbridge?"

"Yes Professor, I was just wondering if the people who made that pamphlet before break were caught?"

Slughorn rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Well, no Ms. Umbridge they haven't been caught. But the heads of house have all agreed that we should all try to talk about it as little as possible. It's likely this was just the creation of some bored students, and it will not happen again."

Rita and Bellatrix shared a smirk at that. Bored students no clever and cruel. Probably.

They finished their potion first and won ten house points for Slytherin.

"At this point we're gonna take the cup!" Whispered Rita excitedly.

They walked to the library and once they were settled there Bellatrix pulled out a notebook.

"Can I interest you in something a little more fascinating than homework?"

"Always." Said Rita eagerly pushing her books out of the way.

"I have an idea for the distribution of our next edition."

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