Chapter 21 - Magic, Madness

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"Hey, since we're still figuring out how to expose Dumbledore, maybe we should start working on another standard issue of the Rumour Mill?"

Rita suggested one night from the comfort of her bed which she and Bellatrix were both studying on. Though Bellatrix was the only one who was learning anything. Rita just liked to take out her books so she could pretend she had studied.

"Yeah sure." Bellatrix agreed, placing a folded parchment in her potion's textbook as a makeshift bookmark.

"Any ideas?" The dark-haired girl questioned.

Rita looked over the table of the library and into Bellatrix's steel grey eyes. "I think the male population of Hogwarts needs to be taken down a few notches."

Bellatrix nodded her head in agreement. "Well obviously, but maybe something more specific?"

"Let me think." The blonde girl sat there for a few minutes racking her brain for the stories she remembered from the submissions they often received.

"Got it."

Bellatrix raised her eyebrows expectantly. "What is it?"

"Okay so I remember there was a submission for the Rumor Mill where someone had said that Bertha Jorkins had found her boyfriend kissing that Florence girl from Hufflepuff in an empty classroom, and she hexed him."

"Good for her." Bellatrix said, nodding in appreciation.

"Agreed. But then Dumbledore punished her for being aggressive and violent towards other students." Finished Rita, rolling her eyes during the end of her sentence.

"So unfair." Muttered Bellatrix.

"I know! So I think that should be the main page. Then why don't we spread the word in the next couple days and make a list of cheaters. Girls just have to submit who they've snogged recently and we can put together whether or not the guys are cheaters."

Bellatrix nodded a wicked gleam in her eye. "Then maybe for the last page on a completely unrelated note, we could provide instructions on how to perform a bat-bogey hex."

Rita pretended to swoon in her seat at Bellatrix's idea. "You're brilliant Trix."

"Don't call me that." Responded Bellatrix, though it was mostly out of habit at this point.

They stayed in the library a little while longer, Bellatrix working on the instructions for the hex and Rita scribbling away on the main story. Once they had both finished a rough draft they packed up their things and walked out of the library, thanking Madam Pince.

They had found a simple, good morning, thank you, and general appreciation for literature helped them stay on the woman's good side.

When they got to the hall it was full. The girls sat down next to Carrow and Zabini, and Bellatrix returned the small wave her sister gave from where she was sitting with the first years. Bellatrix couldn't help but notice she was alone.

Rita was chattering away to Zabini, no doubt about the plan. Rita turned to Alecto.

"Your brother is in Ravenclaw right?"

Carrow nodded suspiciously and said hesitantly "Yeah, why?"

Unperturbed by the other girl's suspicion Rita kept going. "Do you think you could ask him to spread the word that girls who have been wronged, or suspect being wronged can submit their complaints about the male population to our little mailbox?"

Alecto was about to say no, Bellatrix could see it in her eyes. So she kicked the Carrow girl's ankle from under the table and stared her down until the stocky girl relented.

"Yes, I'll let him know after dinner."

"Thanks!" Rita said in surprise. She had thought she would have to be more convincing than that.

"Alright now that that's settled," Bellatrix said while sipping some tea "Let's settle on a release date for this one, and our method of transportation."

Zabini tapped Bellatrix's shoulder and Bellatrix couldn't help but jerk away.

"Sorry," Zabini muttered "Forgot you don't like that."

"S'fine." Bellatrix said avoiding the other girl's gaze. "What were you going to say?'

"I had an idea for distribution is all." Rita and Bellatrix looked at her expectantly but, suddenly aware of the fact that they were sitting at a table surrounded by all teachers and students at Hogwarts, she quickly said. "Why don't we discuss in the dorms," With a pointed look at the amount of people in the great hall.

The three girls got up from the table and made their way to the dungeons. As they walked past the end of the Slytherin table Lestrange stuck his boot out in an attempt to trip one or all of them.

Bellatrix pulled Rita back just in time to stop her from falling.

Bellatrix whipped her head around to glare at the boy, her thick hair bouncing as she turned.

"Keep it up Lestrange. See what happens."

He shrugged and looked up at her with sheepish eyes. "Sorry, my foot slipped."

She ignored him as they walked away, knowing better than to hex a student while teachers were watching. However, when they weren't it was a fair game. Lestrange better watch his back.

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