Chapter 12 - Lights And Voices Blinding

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"We should take a break until the fall I think." Rita mused, staring at Bellatrix who was sitting on her own bed.


"Build anticipation."

"I guess"

"I mean, I just want this to last the whole time I'm at Hogwarts Y'know."

Bellatrix stared at her thoughtfully. "Yeah, I do get it."

Smiling Rita motioned to Bellatrix. "Come here I want to try something new with your hair."

Bellatrix came over and sat at the side of Rita's bed while Rita began threading her fingers through the long black strands. First detangling them, then separating, then finally weaving them together and leaving Bellatrix with two long plaits hanging down her back.

By the time she had finished the room had gotten significantly darker, meaning the natural lighting from the great lake was gone. It must have taken her a long time to sort out Trix's long hair realized Rita.

Bellatrix ran her fingers over them exploratorily. "I like them." She whispered.

Rita smiled "It will help tame those crazy curls of yours."

Bellatrix frowned. "I like my curls!"

Rita shrugged giving Bellatrix a shove towards her own bed. "Then take care of them."

Frowning Bellatrix crawled into her bed and almost immediately fell asleep.

"There's a difference between walking around with curly hair and walking around with a giant puffball on your head." She heard Rita laugh as she drifted off.

Bellatrix woke early the next morning and gently undid the braids Rita had put in. She pulled her hair back and tied it with a ribbon and then grabbed her parchment, ink, quill, and books.

She crept out of the common room where many fifth and seventh years had fallen asleep with their faces in books or ink smudged across their face. Bellatrix felt grateful that she only had to worry about her first exam and not OWL's or NEWT's.

She got to the library right as it unlocked at six and was surprised to see about ten students already waiting at the door. As they all walked in bleary eyed, she located an empty table and began to work.

The studying passed in a blur. Her eyes were blurring over every couple of seconds and her head was pounding but she just had to finish this chapter on the Goblin Revolution and then she could take a break. As if on cue her stomach began to growl.

Finally snapping the book shut she cast a tempus only to find out it was 2pm. Oh Merlin. She had been studying for six hours and had now missed breakfast and lunch.

"Guess I'll just get back to it then." she muttered, opening her history book again in a decidedly worse mood.

She had only gotten a couple of sentences in when she was interrupted by someone sitting at her table. She was about to snap at whoever had sat in the space she was clearly using when she realized it was Rita. And she had brought her some toast and a cup of tea.

"Gods you're a lifesaver." She mumbled to Rita in between the bite of the toast she had immediately grabbed from Rita.

"And you are insane." Responded the other girl. "Why the hell are you studying as hard as an OWL student for a first-year exam. I'm pretty sure they legally have to let you pass."

Bellatrix shrugged. "I can't just pass. I must be the best."

Rita nodded, lip twitching. "Oh I see. Perfectly reasonable goal. No pressure at all."

Bellatrix glared at her. "Yeah, well try telling that to my family. Now unless you're gonna shut up any time soon it's time for you to depart."

Rita stopped for a moment pretending to consider her options. "While the idea of being silent for hours on end while you rip your hair out is intriguing I think I'm destined for more interesting things on this fine morning."

Bellatrix shrugged now sipping her tea. "Suit yourself."

"I will! Bye Trix!" She called out grinning at the way Bellatrix scowled at the nickname.

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