Chapter 28 - Secrets End Up Splashed On The News Front Page

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The great hall was abuzz in the morning. Even the students who looked exhausted from exams still chattered away and there seemed to be an energy buzzing through the air around the students. Even the teachers had noticed and looked apprehensive, knowing that this time last year an edition of the rumour mill had come out.

Dumbledore himself appeared a bit wary and Bellatrix did not miss the way he stared her down. She met his eyes with an arched brow as he stood at the head of the teachers table and began to speak.

"Students your attention please. I would like to draw your attention to last year when you no doubt recall a student magazine coming out."

Murmurs could be heard throughout the four tables at the open admission to the rumour mill. Most of the teachers had refused to talk about it until now.

"I would like to give the perpetrator one more chance to come forward about this act."

Nobody moved, though many students' eyes widened eagerly at the idea of figuring out who was spreading the gossip.

Dumbledore let out a soft chuckle. "I didn't think that would work. However, I would like to let the perpetrator know that if the editions stop now there will be no punishment and no attempt to find the culprit. However," He continued, "If the editions continue all teachers will be putting in extra time and observation to finding out the culprit of these actions."

Bellatrix held her breath as Dumbledore sat, then turned and grinned at Rita.

"Reckon the perpetrators should stop the editions?"

Rita pretended to think "Hmmm, what do you think Zabini?"

"Not sure," Zabini mused. "Maybe, and this is just an idea so hear me out."

The other girls nodded, grinning.

Zabini continued "Maybe the perpetrators should drop an edition right now."

With that each of the girls looked up to the ceiling and saw the banners previously holding house banners and Hogwarts crest transform into large caricatures of Dumbledore.

Waves of laughter came from the students as they saw the drawings of Dumbledore and the teachers' faces transformed in horror.

The largest banner was above the head teacher's table, it normally had the Hogwarts crest on it. Currently it sported Zabini's cleverly drawn Dumbledore. To the students' enjoyment and the teacher's frustration the tapestry Dumbledore began to speak.

"Welcome to this edition of the rumour mill!" It announced gleefully. "It's brought to you by Albus Percival Wulfric My Mother Must Have Hated Me to Give Me This Long a Name Dumbledore."

Another wave of laughter then it continued.

"I thought I might like to walk you through a history of Dumbledore's last four years as headmaster of Hogwarts. In 1959 Gryffindor won the house cup! Then in 1960 Gryffindor won the house cup! Then in 1961 Gryffindor won the house cup! Then last year take a guess as to who won the house cup?"

The students from all tables except Gryffindor shouted out "GRYFFINDOR."

The caricature of Dumbledore nodded from above the teachers table where some had pulled out their wands and were getting ready to vanish the tapestry.

The tapestry took a quick look at the teachers and immediately began speaking much faster. "Now I'm not here to accuse anybody, I just want to say that it's interesting that a headmaster who is supposed to be impartial and unbiased is happy showing blatant favoritism to the house that was once his."

Shouts of agreement came, mainly from the Slytherin table at that. Bellatrix noticed that even Andromeda had shouted at the injustice.

As a jet of light shot out at one of the teacher's wands the portrait shouted out. "Be wary of Albus Dumbledore. If he's willing to stand for altering a small thing like the house cup, imagine what other things he's willing to rationalize."

Dumbledore's eyes twitched as the banner disappeared and all the others transformed to show dates of Dumbledore's favoritism. The banner above the Slytherin table read out "For the greater good, but at what cost?" Bellatrix had chosen that one, not knowing the full history around the phrase but knowing it was from Dumbledore's past.

A round of applause came from all tables except Gryffindor who didn't like to acknowledge the favoritism they so clearly received.

Dumbledore stood again, eyes back to their usual twinkling. He raised his arms up and spoke.

"I'm glad the perpetrator has made their decision known to us so quickly. I am quite fond of efficiency and they will be found and punished soon."

The laughter and cheers died down quickly at that announcement and Bellatrix met Dumbledore's firm gaze locked onto hers as he sat down.

Later that evening the girls found themselves on the train back home. Bellatrix had encouraged Andromeda into their compartment.

"C'mon Andy. Don't be mad about the Rumour Mill."

Andromeda rolled her eyes at Bellatrix and glanced into the compartment quickly. "Bella your friends are waiting for you."

Bellatrix raised her eyebrows and held out her hand. "I'm not going in without you."

Andromeda finally relented, taking her sister's hand and rolling her eyes. "Fine but you better have a good explanation about this for mother and father."

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