Chapter 11 - I Don't Remember

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Rita, Bellatrix and Zabini were gleefully whispering to each other as the left charms later that week.

The throng of students headed to lunch began to slow and the girls realized their plan had come to fruition. Some of the seventh years behind the three girls pushed through the crowd.

"What's going on here?" One of the older

girls asked.

The students' quiet whispers began to buzz and even the prefects began to look at the tapestries lining the halls.

The three Slytherin girls had spent the last week transfiguring all the tapestries as they walked by with a mix of a copying spell and a timer spell all set for today. This meant that the tapestries had changed and caused quite a commotion.

Every single one of them read out the new issue of The Rumor Mill.

The top half of the tapestries read "Students speak!" and below that were quotation marks filled with rumors that had the first years blushing and the seventh years jaws practically touching the floor.

"Oh Circe!" Rita laughed. "This is better than the first time."

Students began to read out quips from the tapestries as they walked through the halls.

"Rosmerta will sell alcohol to third years and up and Professor McGonagall turns a blind eye."

Rosmerta turned bright red a spluttered "That's not true!" It may as well have fallen on deaf ears.

"Lestrange's parents had to donate extra money to the library this year so he could retake his OWL's for the third time."

Bellatrix giggled at that one because she knew for a fact it was true.

Some of the ones they had picked from the submissions had been a little more far fetched but still entertaining, such as the one that read,

"Fabian Prewett had his first kiss with Peeves." This caused peals of laughter and a grin from Fabian who shrugged and said, "I can neither confirm nor deny."

"Oh my god this is too funny." Said a muggleborn near the girls.

Zabini got closer to the girl "I know right! I wonder who's doing it?" The girl shrugged. "No idea. But I heard they take submissions." She wiggled her eyebrows and winked at Zabini "The suit of armor near the kitchens. Y'know in case you want to keep the rumor mill flowing."

Rita and Bellatrix stared at Zabini in surprise and broke into a fit of laughter.

"Free advertising." Rita whispered into Bellatrix's ear.

As they neared the great hall Rita nudged her "This is one of the bests ones."

"Dolores Umbridge brought a toad to school and kisses it goodnight every evening."

Peals of laughter broke out at that mostly from the first years and Dolores marched into the Great Hall headed straight for the teachers table practically radiating fury.

"Say, do you reckon we should remove the writings from the tapestry so that nobody gets in trouble." Said Bellatrix rather loudly.

Murmurs of agreement came from most of the students despite the prefects protests and whispers of "Reparo." Could be heard all over the main hall.

When Minerva McGonagall came storming through the doors with Dolores close behind, she looked furious. However there was no proof the magazine had appeared again.

"What is the meaning of this Miss Umbridge?" she said sternly. "I do not appreciate having my time wasted."

Dolores looked around, bewildered. "No Professor I swear the tapestries were full of rumors."

McGonagall stared down the students waiting to go in for lunch. "Was there another edition of the gossip magazine?" She questioned, holding eye contact with a couple of the students she suspected.

Some of the seventh years shook their heads, leading the other students to follow their example.

"No professor."

"Of course not."

"We would let you know if that happened."

Dolores looked around in shock at the other students and pointed at one of the Hufflepuff prefects (Bones maybe. Bellatrix thought)

"You! I know you saw it. Don't lie you're a prefect."

The Hufflepuff shrugged, "Didn't see anything. Sorry Umbridge."

Throwing her hands up in the air Umbridge stormed off and Minerva pinched the bridge of her nose.

"I do not wish to hear anything else about this magazine. Please. Now resume your days as usual."

The three girls walked to the Slytherin table too eat, a satisfied smirk on each of their faces. 

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