Chapter 6 - The Rumours are Terrible and Cruel

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Bellatrix and Rita sat at a table in the more secluded part of the library, though at this time of year not many students were that interested in studying anyways.

Bellatrix was busy glaring at Hagrid who was dragging in a large Christmas tree.

"I hate Christmas." She mumbled.

"Hmmm?" Rita said looking up from the pile of papers she was scouring through, pointed glasses balancing on the tip of her nose.

"Nothing. What are you working on anyways? Wasn't our last assignment due yesterday?"

Rita nodded. "It was. This is more of a personal project of mine."

"Let me see." Bellatrix responded while making a grab for the pile of papers.

"It's not ready yet!" Rita laughed moving the papers quickly out of Bellatrix's reach.

"At least tell me what it is."

Rita rolled her eyes. "You are so annoying. It's a magazine. Of sorts."

Bellatrix noticed the playful twitch pulling at the other girls lips.

"What kind of magazine."

Rolling her eyes and staring at Bellatrix again she explained: "A gossip magazine. I figure it would be interesting to have a pamphlet be hidden around the school with gossip about all the students. Anonymous contributions, interviews, that kind of thing."

Bellatrix laughed. "what happens if people don't want their business in the school magazine."

Rita shrugged grinning playfully. "That's their business. Though I suppose if they really didn't want their information spread and I was to find a couple sickles behind the old green pot in greenhouse three I wouldn't have a problem looking over some information."

Bellatrix stared at Rita, mouth hanging open. "Merlin Rita. You're pure evil."

Rita just laughed as she began to pack up her stuff. "Thanks Trix."

A glare from Bellatrix.

"But it doesn't really matter because I don't actually have any gossip yet. Most people don't like having a first-year hand around listening to their business."

As both girls walked back down to the dungeons Rita held out a small parcel to Bellatrix.

"Here. Since you're leaving for winter hols soon."

Bellatrix raised her eyebrows and took the gift.

"I didn't get you anything."

Rita shrugged "I know." The blonde girl said the password and walked into the common room leaving Bellatrix surprised in the hallway.

She had to get her something. What would it say about the Black family if she couldn't even get a gift for her dormmate? Hesitantly she opened the gift. It was the standard book of spells grade 2 and it had a note on the inside cover.

Since you are so obsessed with being ahead of everyone else, I thought you might enjoy staying ahead next year as well. Much love Trix – R. Skeeter

Grinning Bellatrix flipped through the book determined to find a spell she could impress her mother with on the way home.

As she walked with the book back to the library to practice she heard hushed voices coming from behind a tapestry.

"Arthur, I don't know what we're supposed to do."

"It will be fine Molly, we can push the wedding up a bit and nobody will know."

"I guess your right. But still it all feels so soon. With everything happening is this even the best time for a baby?"

Bellatrix gasped and the voices fell quiet. She rushed back the way she came and hurried to the dorm.

Rushing over to the desk she began to write on a parchment.

"Dear Rita. I am sorry to inform you that you are mistaken in believing I did not get you a Christmas gift. Though it is a bit unconventional I thought you may appreciate receiving the first bit of information for your magazine the day before winter holidays when all the students are restless for something interesting to happen. Perhaps it will come to a surprise to you that the golden girl of Gryffindor tower Molly Prewett is currently pregnant with Arthur Weasley's baby. Not only making her a blood traitor but an unwed teenage mother. Do with this information what you will. Kind Regards and Happy Christmas. – B.Black

She hurriedly rushed over to Rita's bed and handed her the parchment. Rita read it over, eyes gleaming as she reached the end.

"Do you think we could have the magazine ready by tomorrow?" She mused.

"It would cause such a stir right before everyone left."

Bellatrix nodded, "Yes I'm sure we could."

"Zabini" Rita called out.

The Dark haired girl poked her face out from her bed curtains. "Yes"

"Do you think you could do up a drawing of Molly Prewet for me."

Zabini's eyes twinkled. "What do I get out of it?"

"A portion of the profits of course."

"Fifty percent?"

"Twenty five."


"Fine, but it needs to be done tonight."

"I'll start right away."

And with that Zabini began to sketch away.

Rita turned to look at Bellatrix.

"Best Christmas gift ever Trix."

Bellatrix opened her mouth to argue against the Nickname but Rita hugged her causing Bellatrix to freeze up.

"Yes. Well let me know what I can do to help."

"If you can copy the articles after I write them that would be great seeing as your best at charms." The glint in her eye came back. "And if you can set a levitation charm on them in the great hall tomorrow as our method of delivery."

Bellatrix nodded as Rita put on her pointed glasses and began to scribble away.

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