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We've Finally launched our game. It was a pretty big project that we've been working on since March of last year. It's a horror story game and I've done most of the development. It's also been getting good reviews from the public so I'm glad the overtime paid off. and there are some interviews that are coming up. I've been deciding if I should do a big reveal to the public but I don't know yet.

Solana's family charity thing is tonight too. She's been talking about It nonstop and so has the girls. They say it's because they've never been to an event like this, but I know it's because they want to meet her brothers. Me on the other hand, not so much. Her oldest brother sounds really sweet from what I've heard, but that other brother is a dick and I refuse to get close to him.

Damien has been blowing up my phone nonstop to try and get me to reveal myself. He says it'll make more people want to buy our games, and maybe some big company will invest in us but I just don't know. Damien is already pretty popular because of our company's success, and the fact that he's very attractive just adds on more fans. People quite literally call him 'hot engineer Italian Zaddy' It's quite literally insane and it makes me want to barf. It also immensely boosts his already large ego.

He keeps telling me that everyone will swoon over me, and honestly, I might just do it. I just don't want to be constantly harassed by people who don't even know me. Damien telling me his crazy fan stories hasn't made it any better either, it's like he wants me to stay hidden.

After I replied to fans about games and future things and products to come, I took an uber home. I really need to get a car and preferably soon.

As soon as I entered the house It was pure chaos. About 3 different types of music were being played, all from different rooms. There was a random hair lady In the kitchen boiling water, Reign was in the living room waiting to get her hair dipped. I walked into Hyesols room and she was getting her hair styled by another random lady who I don't know. I slowly walked out of her room and headed to mine.

Solana was sitting in front of my vanity doing her makeup while someone started on her hair. And there were two other ladies looking at me just staring.

"hey, Solana why am I coming home to absolute chaos, and why aren't you getting ready at your own home," I ask her very confused.

She looks up like all of this is very normal. "Ummm well my parents sent you guys a hair and makeup team, they also got all of our dresses, and I'm getting ready here because it's easier." She just shrugs and continues to do her makeup.

"Also your dress is hanging up in your closet." She says.

As soon as she gives me that whole spiel I'm immediately bombarded by the two women. One of them starts putting my braids into a flawless hairstyle and the other woman starts on my makeup. After they're finished I go check on Reign and Hyesol, and everything seems to be going smoothly for them. I put on the beautiful black dress, run cocoa butter all over my body, and I spray myself with vanilla extract. I tell the girls that I'm about to get an uber but Solana stops me.

"Wait," she says. "We have a limo that should be here any moment.

"A limo?!" All three of us say at the same time.

"Yea a limo, it's not that deep," she replies with a confused chuckle.

"Yea girl your family is loaded." Reign says.

" Reign says

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