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I fucking hate Airports, actually i hate going to airports with Italian men who act like they're your father. Damien is quite literally the most obnoxious thing known to man.

He woke me up at 6 in the morning when our flight left at 10, he was constantly telling me i was packing wrong and he kept telling me where to put things. He's been nagging all morning and it's making my head hurt. I've been trying to ignore him but his voice just pisses me off more and more.

"Hey dumbass let's go i don't want to be late!" Damien snaps in my face breaking me out of the trance I was in.

"Bro it's eight right now what the actual fuck are you on about." I reply grabbing my things

"Well the airport is 40 minutes away and that doesn't include the time when we have to go through TS-"

"Damien please shut the fuck up talking to me, we're taking the jet we don't have to worry about all that extra shit."

Ooo he makes me want to kill him sometimes.

"Ohhhh yea i forgot well i guess we can chill for like 30 minutes." He says goffily smirking at me

"Yea in the mean time i'm gonna go wake up my favorite brothers because if I'm forced to wake up early we're all gonna be up early."

"Salem you're evil."

"I know."

I grab a bowl and put some cold water in it and begin to head up to Matteo's room. I was going to prank Lorenzo but last time I did that I was left with a black eye which caused Matteo and Damien trying to kill Lorenzo for like a week straight.

I went up to Matteo's room, but when i got in there he was no where to be found.

"Huh...that's odd."

I was beginning to walk out of his room but i was ambushed by all three of the demon children with water guns.

"Oh fuck you, y'all decided to do this when i just got my hair done."

I threw the bucket of water and ran to the bathroom to lock myself in.

I think they make me hate men more and more each day.

And our flight leaves soon, dammit my airport fit was so hard now i have to switch it up

After the fiasco i had with the boys Damien woke up Mamma and papa so they could say their goodbyes

"figlia don't forget to call me and remember you can visit anytime without Damien." She said while squeezing the life out of me.

Damn that's little Italian lady has some strength.

"Okay Mamma let her go she's turning purple." Matteo says while laughing.

"I'm gonna miss you sis, call me anytime if you need anything."

"Okay Matteo i will." i say while laughing.

I really love them they're like my second family i'm so sad to be leaving.

"ok ora dobbiamo andare." Damien yells from the car.
(okay we have to go now)

Damn i know he's serious. He really only talks in Italian when he's mad or sad which I find adorable.

After everyone says their goodbyes Damien and I head To the airport for the 12 hour flight ahead of us.

After everyone says their goodbyes Damien and I head To the airport for the 12 hour flight ahead of us

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