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Saul (first POV)

JD electronics was a pain in my ass. I had already figured out who was behind this shit as soon as my father called me. That Jealous asshole Do Jungseop has been eyeing Salem for a while and I know this because she tells me stories about him. Though she doesn't see that he wants her.

My phone had been going off the hook as soon as I stepped through my doors, and i've been trying to answer as many calls as I can. It's mostly my employees trying to make sense of the situation that happened and my father asking me if I took care of it.

The crazy thing is he wasn't even worried about me, he was only worried about Salem. He doesn't admit it but she's got him wrapped around her finger already. Most of the gifts that my "mother" sends are actually from my father that man is a big softy when it comes to the women in our family.

I was walking to my kitchen to grab some water when my brother called me.

"네 형." (Yes hyung)

There was a short radio silence on the end of the line.

"She's here." He sounded a bit shaken and disturbed.

"What? What do you mean?" I asked looking around

"Did you change your door passcode Saul? She says she's on the way to you. Mother told me to call you and warn you please be on the lookout."

My blood ran cold just from hearing that. There's no way She could be here. She told my family that she was leaving for good why come back now. After all this why now? Why when things were getting good for me?

"What do you mean? Is this some kind of sick joke please don't right now i'm stressed." I pinched the bridge of my nose. It seemed like i'd been doing that a lot lately.

"Eomma is freaking out, if you didn't change it leave now."

"There's no way hyung there's no way." I was shaking from hearing this. How could she be back was it just to terrorize me? did she find out about me and Salem?

"Listen to me, it's going to be okay dongsaeng would have wanted you to handle this okay?"

"Why is it me hyung? I'm not him I can't do this."

"Yes you can Saul."

As soon as he said that I heard the buttons being pressed to my front door.

Why didn't I change the code?

"She's here I have to go now." I said while hanging up.

Here goes nothing.

"Sungjae where are you?" Her voice was sing songy and it made me sick.

I turned on my kitchen lights and stood behind the island.

"Why must we keep doing this gyuri?"

"Why are you being like this Sungjae? She must be a lucky girl to get you to act like this." She walked up to me. Her movements slow and calculated. She ran her hands through my hair and it sent a shiver down my spine.

"I missed you Sungjae." She placed a kiss on my cheek.

I was frozen. I couldn't move. Everything about this woman repulsed me and yet I couldn't move. The fear she struck in me was unlike anything i've ever felt before and I didn't miss this feeling at all.

"That's not my name anymore Gyuri you know this."

She shrugged and tilted her head to the side.

"Why isn't it? That's what I always call you." She pouted.

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