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Two days had passed since the whole Archy fiasco, and Salem was completely over it at this point. No one dared to bring it up after she explained what happened to Solana and Hyesol over drinks and karaoke.

She was getting used to seeing Min-Ho's face almost everywhere in the city, though it was sort of creeping her out. How did he handle all this fame?

She had heard stories about crazy fans following famous people in Korea, but most of them were idols which made her calm down a bit. Even though they weren't together currently he was still her first real love and his safety was and still is very important to her.

She was tidying up her house so her and Damien could go shopping, she promised him that she would buy him something for his birthday so they decided to spend the day together.

"So what are you gonna get me?" Damien asked while walking to the open living room and watching her wipe off the kitchen counters.

"I don't know that's why you're coming with me." She replied in a duh tone.

"Okay okay, don't tell me this is going to be like last year when you bought me a present but used my card." He looked over at her and sighed.

"I would never do that, plus you already bought the plane tickets...and the hotel rooms." She said the last part quietly hoping he wouldn't hear it.

"I bought the fucking hotel rooms?! Salem are you joking?"

She didn't reply to him fearing his answer. She knew he wasn't really upset but she also knew he hated buying things he didn't know about.

"No." She replied quietly while looking down.

"I don't care about Reign and Sai's room but you're telling me I paid for that bastard to sleep soundly on the first night?" She tensed at the mention of Archy, and Damien seemed to catch on to it because he very quickly apologized.

"Look, i'm sorry I know you don't want to talk about it so i'll leave it alone."

"It's fine, let me get dressed and then we can go, Kang offered to drive us since I don't have a rental or car here. He should be here in 45 minutes open the door when he gets here capisce?"


"Oh wait before I go do you remember the Korean I taught you so you don't have to use google translate in front of him?"

"I do." Damien stated proudly, puffing his chest out.

"Okay repeat it to me."

"안녕하세요, 세일럼은 곧 나올 준비를 하고 있습니다." (Hello, Salem is getting ready she'll be out soon)

"Your pronunciation was not that good but he'll get the gist, if worst comes to worst use google translate." She said while walking past him to go to her room. "Oh and don't forget to bow."

The day was going fine so far, she practically made Damien do a fashion show for her while she bought him all the clothes he wanted and more, also buying him accessories and shoes.

"Salem this is too much." He said while carrying about 7 bags.

"Oh this is the tip of the iceberg." She replied while shooting him a wink.

"너무 피곤한데, 이제 돌아가도 될까요?." Kang said while dramatically fanning himself and holding his hip. (I'm exhausted can we go back now?)

"아니요, 저는 그에게 주요 이벤트를 보여줘야 해요." (No, I have to show him the main event.)

"Are you talking about me."

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