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I wish I could go back to a simpler time. A time when I wasn't so consumed by work. A time when I thought I was building my life for the great or good. Don't get me wrong I love what I do I just wish I could have a break sometimes. I guess I asked for it though, the need to always be better than others. I get to live my dream, living alone in the city of Seattle with a good circle of friends and a stable income.

In times like these I tend to dwell on sad thoughts, if I'm being honest I have a great life and I'm glad that I've been allowed to go this far.

"Salem hurry up we're gonna be late to the party, we didn't go out last Saturday so we have to make up for it!"Hyesol yells from the other room snapping me out of my thoughts. I grab my phone and my purse and head out to meet my roommate.

Hyesol is honestly one of the most beautiful people I've ever met. She has full lips, cat-shaped eyes, and high cheekbones. She's about 5"7 with a pretty small frame. Her short dark hair reaches her shoulder's and she's very fit.

"Salem you look so good." She says smiling at me.

"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself," I reply with a grin.

When we arrive at the function I immediately regret coming

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When we arrive at the function I immediately regret coming. I absolutely hate parties, there are too many people, it's too loud, and it's hot because of all the body heat. The only good part is the free drinks and sometimes free weed.

I'd much rather be at home watching movies or reading a book

Hyesol is always dragging me somewhere with her. She's such an extroverted person, and then there's me. I hate meeting new people but she kind of forces it upon me.

I can't blame her for it though she's just being a good friend.

When we enter I see me and Hyesol's other roommate Reign. "Hey reign why weren't you at home and how did you get here," I question. "Relax, I went to go visit my sister and when I was heading back Hyesol sent me a message to come here." She replied laughing. Before I could look around Hyesol drags me to meet one of her friends that she's been meaning to introduce me to.

I mouth a quick help to Reign, but she just laughs and brushes me off. "Soooo Salem this is Solana, and Solana this is Salem." Hyesol begins. "I met Solana on that trip to Italy, and we've been friends ever since. She reminds me a lot of you Salem so I wanted to introduce you two."

I look at her and smile "Hey it's nice to meet you, let's grab a drink and talk some more."

"Oooh Hyesol, I like her a lot already."

I just got done dancing with Solana

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I just got done dancing with Solana. She's such a genuinely kind person, and she's so fun to be around.

I look around and the room is quite literally spinning. Oh shit, I drank too much and on an empty stomach too, I'm most definitely going to feel this in the morning.

I look at my phone to check the time. "Damn it's already 2:57," I whisper to myself

I look around for Hyesol, Reign, and Solana but they're nowhere to be found. I get up and try to walk around and I eventually end up outside. I look around and I see Solana knee-deep in a bush hurting her insides out.

I walk up and Hyesol and Reign look at me. "Is she okay?" I ask. "Yea she's fine just can't handle her liquor." Reign replies. This results in a glare from Solana "What do you mean I  can't hold my liquor fuck you."

We all bust out in laughter, Which makes Solana even more upset.

We ended up sitting on a curb watching the nightlife waiting for Solana's ride to come. A black BMW pulls up and a man who looks to be in his mid 20's got out.

He's a very tall man with a strong build, he looks to be about 6'3 with dark brown hair. He looks over to Solana and I get to catch a better look at his face. He's handsome I'll tell you that. He has beautiful brown kind eyes, full lips, and a very strong jawline all his features are prominent and masculine.

"Big brotherrrrrr, you came to get meeeeee." Solana sings. He shakes his head and looks directly at me. "Thank you for taking care of Solana she can be a handful when she's drunk." he smiles and looks at me. "I'm Saul by the way I'm Solana's bug brother, and you are?" he pauses waiting for my response. "Oh me, I'm Salem nice to meet you," I reply with a smile

He then looks at the rest of the girls and says thank you. He then turns to Solana and helps her to the car.

When they drive off Hyesol and Reign look at me and whistle and cheer. "Well I'll be got dammed, that man was fine as hell and he definitely wanted some dark chocolate!" Reign begins. "Girl you are so right we were all on that Salem he wants youuuu." Hyesol finishes.

I playfully roll my eyes and tell them to shut up, as we get a taxi home.

I wake up the next day with a raging headache, wondering why I do these things to myself. As I get up to go get some medicine and make myself a smoothie my phone starts going off. It seems like Hyesol added me to a group chat with Reign and Solana.

I walk into the kitchen to make myself a smoothie so I can head to the gym and work the hangover out, and I see Reign sitting down on one of the barstools. "Morning," she says in a whisper. "Good morning, I'm about to head to the gym do you want to come with me," I Ask. She shakes her head and walks back to her room. Well, that's that I guess, Reign doesn't usually work out anyways.

I jog to the gym which gives me time to think about the night before, but every time I try to remember the night that same masculine face keeps popping up in my mind. I decide to do a full-body workout to push myself and try not to focus on him too much. After Im done I decide to uber to Tropical Smoothie because I really have a taste for a Bahama Mama and a chicken salad.

I walk In and order, then I sit down and text the group chat back. As I'm sitting waiting for my food I hear the door open and I sense a very dominant presence walk in, this person's presence is very intimidating and as they walk In the air seems to become cooler. I finish texting the girls and when I look up it's that fine-ass man that I met the night before.

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