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It's the kind of feeling you get when you feel completely and utterly alone. Sometimes you're not even alone you just feel that way, and you miss one person in particular but you can't tell them that and it hurts. You come up with every excuse just to be in their presence for mere minutes.

Man I miss Salem, so so much. I miss the smell of her hair, the way she talks, the way her hips sway when she walks, and how she constantly knows things that you would never think she knew.

I've been slacking on work recently thinking about her, and the only conclusion i've come to is that I need to fuck her so she can get out of my mind. It may sound childish and I know we're adults but usually when I feel like this it's because I just need to feel that persons skin on mine.

The easy way to put it is that i'm a womanizer of sorts. The thing is I know I have to settle down soon and my parents made that very apparent when I found out Sai was getting married. My best option right now is Salem but I don't know if she knows how much extent our family's wealth goes into.

I was in the middle of reviewing a case i've been working on when I got a call from the one and only asshole Aaru.

"What is it." I groan into the phone.

"Well someone's pissed aren't they?"

"What do you want, i'm in the middle of something." I ask rolling my eyes.

"Your girlfriend's company is hosting a launch party for the game they just developed tomorrow night, you coming to what?" By the tone of his voice i know he just rolled his eyes at me.

"One that's not my girlfriend, two yes i'm going and three, how do you know her?" I ask confused.

"Remember that girl my grandpa was talking about the last time we went to visit him?"

"Yea the one who he said helps out a lot and is really smar-."

"Yea dumbass that's Salem, anyways I got to go."

"Yea bye."

I haven't talked to Salem in like a week. Ever since we went to her sisters concert she hasn't texted me. But I won't lie and say I wasn't visibly flirting when we had drinks at her place.

I think that British white boy has something to do with it, the whole night he was gawking at her. What if he got to her before I could damn.

About an hour passed and I got a call from my mother.

"여보세요 어머니." (hello mother.)

"내 작업실로 오다." She sounded a little annoyed. (Come to my studio.)

This can't be good I think I know what this is about.

"왜죠." I replied hoping she wouldn't get mad. (why)

"왜 그런지 모르겠다." She yelled into the other end of the phone. (Don't why me)

"Alright mom i'm on my way."

And with that I hung up.

My mother is a scary woman, she never takes no for an answer and she always has a master plan for something. Recently she's been with my sister trying to prepare her for the black swan role that she's playing in a program coming up.

I wouldn't be surprised if Solana was at the studio right now.

I arrive at the studio and I walk in, only to see my mother showing Solana some move with a really fancy name.

My mother locks eyes with me and nods to her office. Oh shit. Before I can get there Solana is running towards me with her arms wide open.

"오파, 보고 싶었어요." She says while crushing me in a bear hug. (brother I missed you)

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