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I feel like absolute shit, I actually feel like the most horrible person on earth right now. Now that i'm actually sitting in a car alone with Saul it seems to me that he isn't as bad as I initially thought.

Some way or another he got me to talk, and then he told me a little about himself. I've gathered that he has a smart mouth, he can get excited like a little kid when you talk about something he likes. He hast necessarily talked about his job which I understand because I feel like I have a confusing job.

There is a comfortable silence in the car until I get a call from Vince.

"Ciao." I say smiling. When I talk to him my mood immediately lightens even if I was happy before.

"perché parliamo in italiano amore mio?" I can tell he's confused.
(why are we speaking in italian my love?)

I giggle. "Perché sono in macchina con una persona molto ficcanaso." I almost whispered but then I realized I was speaking italian.
(Because im in the car with a very nosey person)

"Okay well how about this, you talk in italian and i'll talk in english, does that sound good?"

"Si." I reply grinning.

The phone goes quiet for a while and then he begins to speak. "I'm coming to Seattle for business in two days, Can I see you? I also want to meet your lovely friends that you talk about so much."

"Che cosa?" (what?)

For some reason this just doesn't feel right.

"You are not happy my love?"

"ti richiamo più tardi, mi sono appena fermato al club, mi dispiace." I sigh and hang up the phone.
(ill call you back later I just pulled up to thus club im sorry)

Me and Vincenzo's relationship is really odd, I really do like him and he's great in bed, it's just I know what he wants in the long run we've already talked about it. He wants a wife whom he can settle down with in Italy or Mexico with. He wants me to be a housewife and I'm just not that.

I do like his company but I don't want to be tied down, I mean me and Damien's company just kicked off.

I'm in my own head and then I hear Saul clear his throat.

"I don't know what was said on that call but you look like someone just stole your puppy." I can feel the sympathy in his voice.

"It's nothing, let's go in and have fun." I pause deciding if I should say the next part. "Let's go friend."

He perks up like a golden retriever. "Friend? does this mean there's a truce between us?"

I laugh "That's exactly what It means."

We walk into the restaurant, each group arrived at around the same time which was nice. I turn around to see Saul whisper something to Sai and he sort of grins like the cheshire cat from Alice in wonderland.

Well that's not odd at all.

The vibe of this place is nice, there is yellow ambient lights, people either dancing to the music or sitting down. A couple of people are smoking and others are drinking wine and laughing about their lives. My eyes immediately land on the bar. The lighting differs from the rest of the venue, dim red lights are in the tiny corner where the bar is and beautiful painting surround it.

Yea, I think this is my new favorite spot. This place is kind of a hole in the wall which makes it even better, that means not a lot of people know about it.

As we sit down "jazz is for ordinary people" by berlioz starts to play. I immediately get up to start dancing with other people which is not like me at all. I just love jazz and this is one of my favorites.

I start to roll my body to the music when I feel someone behind me. For some reason I hope that it's Saul which is odd but I don't turn around until the song is finished.

Another great song plays so I decide to stay on the floor and turn around to see my mystery man.

Only to be met by...


what the absolute fuck is he doing here?

An: Sorry guys this chapter is a bit short and i'm afraid i'll have to leave you in a bit of a cliffhanger because i'm going on a 4 day trip. Love you all dearly and let your imaginations run wild while i'm gone 😘

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