twenty- seven

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Confused. That was the only emotion she felt after the night with Saul.

She walked up to the guest room to take a shower and cool herself down after Saul went to his room. She didn't know how to feel about the events that just occurred she was of course attracted to him, like any other woman would be. He had the body, looks, money, but his personality is what concerned her. Wadm one minute then ice cold the other. From the way Solana talked about him she always described him as a golden retriever, it was something that she saw very rarely.

Her time with him was becoming much more comfortable and she felt like she could withstand his attitude no matter how annoying it got. She enjoyed their playful banter and his overall goofy energy. The calm days with him when they would go out to lunch, the nice conversations they've had in the past, all of those things were so amazing but it was like he would put up a shell as soon as things started to get good which worried her.

She worried about his man whore nature, everytime it felt like she got closer he seemed to drift further apart and when she asked him what it was he usually got defensive or even colder. Though she was a cynic at heart she loved the idea of romance and being in love with someone, completely devoting yourself to someone's waking existence.

She asked Hyesol and Reign about it in one of their nightly group facetime calls and they told her to just go with the flow and see if he was serious, but that was something she rarely did. She missed having her friends with her but Reign was busy starting up a life with Sai while following him around everywhere for soccer, and Hyesol was doing her own thing modeling and walking for many brands, they both had their own lives and she didn't want to interfere.

She woke up the next morning to the smell of amazing food, and when she got to the kitchen she was met by a shirtless Saul with his glasses on cooking for the both of them.

The energy seemed to be a little off between them, it wasn't necessarily awkward just more quiet than usual. His usual banter with her wasn't there and she didn't know how to carry the conversation.

"Good morning Jagi." He said to her in a tired tone while yawning.

"Morning." She replied while walking to the coffee maker.

The silence returned yet again and the two seemed like they had nothing to talk about, not daring to revisit what happened the night prior. "Do you want breakfast?" He asked in a concered tone. "I haven't seen you eat that much."

"Sure." She smiled at him while grabbing her coffee and walking outside to the patio while pulling her cigarettes out of her cardigan pocket.

"You know you should stop smoking." He said while pointing at her.

"You smoke too I literally got this pack from your dresser, and besides how can I not when i'm stressed about everything including the company that i'm currently not allowed to go to because the fucking cartel or whatever the fuck the russian version of that is wants me gone off the face of the earth." She did the slit throat motion and walked off.

"알았어요." He silently nodded at her rebuttal and continued to stir the soup while preparing the side dishes. (Okay)

Salem's mind was swirling with an insane list of thoughts as she smoked her cigarette, drank her coffee, and admired the city of Seoul below her. Was Saul ever serious about any of his conquests? Would she be considered one now? What the fuck is Vincenzo going to do about the situation he put her in? How and the hell would she tell Damien? What the fuck is actually going on right now?

"Jagi, jagi do you hear me?"

She was too busy in her own head that she didn't realize Saul had set the balcony table and was sitting down across from her while trying to get her attention.

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