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This week at work has been so draining. I've been here non-stop designing and programming a game that we've been developing. It's been rough but not that bad since Damien's been staying late nights with me.

To make up for all the stress he's put me through. Or the stress he's claimed to put me through. He decided to take me to do some of my favorite things this Saturday. I'm so grateful to have a friend like Damien, he's always been there for me and I appreciate him for it.

3 years ago

I've been staring at my ceiling for hours now. College is such a fucked up place. I know it's getting bad again, but I refuse to tell anyone, I don't want to seem weak or helpless. Damien won't stop calling me no matter how much I tell him I'm fine. I'm pretty sure my sister told him that I haven't been talking to her, and that probably worried Damien since Celeste and I are inseparable.

I can't seem to get up. But it's not like I want to. I hear cars passing outside of my apartment, and people talking. I hear my neighbors arguing, but that's nothing new since they do it every night.

I haven't eaten in days and I can't bring myself to do so. Food makes me want to throw up. I eventually get up because I need to drink water, but as soon as I get to my hallway.


"Salem! Salem! please wake up, you said you were okay I know I shouldn't have believed you." I open my eyes to see a frantic Damien holding onto me for dear life.

I always forget that he has a key to my apartment. He probably came over to check on me, and when I didn't answer the door he most likely panicked.

When I realize what's happening I'm immediately hit with a pang of guilt for allowing him to see me like this.

I break down crying as soon as I meet his gaze. "I-I'm so sorry Damien this is all my fault, I should've told you. I can't do anything right, I'm sorry you have to see me like-"

"Shhh shhh it's okay, this is my fault I should've listened to Celeste the first time, I just didn't want to believe that you were bad again," he cuts me off holding me closer.

"You're my best friend Salem and I'll always be here for you okay." He continues as he helps me up.

I grab some clothes and I sense Damien watching close behind me.

"Hey, Damien?"

"Yea what is it?"

"You know I love you right?" I say in a low tone embarrassed to admit it to him.

"Yea yea what can I say I'm irresistible." He replies with a wink. As I scoff and try to walk away he grabs my wrist.

"I love you too Salem, but promise me you'll tell me when it gets bad." He pleads looking me directly In the eyes.

"Yea, I promise."

After I hop out of the shower I see Damien in the kitchen finishing up some type of pasta.

I walk up behind him and snake my arms around his waist just wanting to be closer to him.

"hmm what's this, Salem is showing affection?" he quipped.

"shut up asshole, what are you making," I ask watching him prepare two plates.

"tortellini amico mio." He replies with a goofy smirk. (tortellini my friend)

Damien does this thing where he speaks to me in Italian to piss me off. But thanks to his obnoxious behavior and the fact that I've been around his family for basically my whole life I picked up on the language pretty quickly.

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