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Salem (Third POV)

She woke up to Saul staring at her. He had a sense of longing in his eyes like this is where he was meant to be. His gaze was warm she could tell he was staring at her with so much admiration.

"How long have you been up?" Her voice was gruff since she had just woken up.

"thirty minutes."

"And you didn't think to wake me?"

"No you were sleeping too peacefully, anyways i'm about to make breakfast. You should get some more rest, or get ready. It's only seven-thirty now."

She hummed in response as he sat up to swatch and prepare breakfast. The way he flexed his back muscles when he stretched made her want him even more than she did. But they had agreed to take things slow now and she didn't want to mess that up.

She eventually got ready for the day ahead and made her way downstairs. When she walked to the kitchen Saul had his back turned speaking in hushed french.

She assumed he was speaking to Aaru but she didn't know Saul could speak french. Thankfully she was well versed in love languages and Mr. Granville taught her some things so she could gather the gist of the conversation.

From the sound of it, it didn't sound too good.

"muavaise presse, muavaise putain de muavaise press Aaaru." (bad press, back fucking press Aaaru.) She slipped into one of the seats on the Litchen island and Saul didn't recognize she was there.

What does he mean bad press?

Saul's body tensed as he continued to talk to his friend.

"Qu'est-ce que tu veux que je fasse?" (well what do you expect me to do?) He was now whisper yelling into the phone speaker.

She didn't understand what was happening at all but the scene before her interested her.

"Je raccroche." (i'm hanging up) He sighed and put the phone down.

"What was that about? And when could you speak french?"

"Jagi." He staggered not expecting her to be there. "When did you get here?"

"About the time when you said bad fucking press" She put the last part in qouted emphasizing that she knew and there was no escaping this one.

He sighed while rolling the omelette he was making. "An article about us will be released soon, it doesn't look too good."

"What do you mean Saul?"

"Exactly what I said...they're changing the narrative of us saying you're using me to make your company grow. They also released the pictures of you at the airport with Min-Ho and it doesn't look good at all." He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I will sue all those motherfuckers to hell if it's the last thing I do." His tone was cold.

"It's fine Saul as long as we know the truth was does it matter, did you contact Min-Ho?" She got up and put her hand on his cheek and he leaned into her touch.

"I did his agency is also doing the best they can to prevent it. I'm sorry Salem. I've been trying to protect you." He closed his eyes and grabbed her hand kissing the inside of her palm.

"It's fine. As long as it doesn't affect my company, Min-ho, or either of us it'll be okay." She lazily laced her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. "We'll figure it out."

Their morning consisted of Saul being on the phone with the people at his office, and her calling Min-Ho trying to calm him down. Though it took a lot of work from the people who were going to publish the article, Min-Ho's company and Saul's law firm successfully bought out the publishers they also left them with a threat.

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