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Celeste got up from her peaceful sleep with the smell of breakfast coming from her kitchen. She recently bought a nice condo in California because that's where most of her music and business opportunities were taking place. She didnt tell her parents and stayed in Mexico with them because they wanted her to.

She was renting her condo out to some of her band mates until they found a place but she finally decided to move out a while back because she needed her own recording space. Though she had to fight tooth and nail to move out it was finally worth it.

Especially since her whole family, and Damien's included were with her for her twenty-second birthday. Birthdays were a bit of a tradition when it came to the two families. They constantly spoiled both her and Salem so it was something she was looking forward to, and no matter how much her, Damien, Enzo, and Matteo bickered they always got her the best gifts.

Or the most expensive to say the least. Last year Damien got her a way to expensive guitar that she had been blabbing about for months so she knew he wouldn't disappoint.

She got up from her bead while wiping the sleep out of her eyes to greet her band members who were sitting in the living room, excluding Archy. They had been staying with her trying to discover a new sound without him.

Their music had been on hiatus because of his falling out with her sister and he  was putting a focus on his own music which she didn't mind. Though the band wasn't fully there they had full ins which were still good if not better than Archy.

She walks up to Rhea and grabs a plate off of the table.

"I wasn't done plating cooking that you know." She points the spoon at Celeste her thick punjabi accent seeping through.

"Don't be like that honey, you know you love me."

"Fine, don't get everything what do I care." Rhea rolls her eyes and puts everything on the rest of the plates and calls everyone over to eat.

"What's up leste, you're up bright and early." Binnie smirks at her while grabbing a plate.

She sucks her teeth and rolls her eyes. "Man shut yo lame ass up, you woke up later than everyone yesterday." She pauses and looks around. "Oh yea by the way you all have to leave today I have to pick up my family from the airport.

"Shit that's today?" Ciara asks while rolling up.

"Yea thats today, you don't have to go home but you have to get the hell out. My parents still think I stopped with the band shit." She sighed and grabbed some fruit from binnie's bowl.

"They're still on your ass about being as smart as your sister huh?" Min-Jung asks while looking at her.

"Sure the hell are, it'll be fine though i'm telling them when Salem gets here tonight so she can keep the peace."

"You really are the troubled child." Rhea laughs while kissing Celeste on the cheek and walking to her bedroom.

Rhea and Celeste have been on this open thing, they aren't in a relationship but they casually fuck around not getting to attached. Though it could be bad for the band she knows that Rhea is too much of a man and woman eater to even care too much.

"Anyways, yall have to go soon i'm about to leave to get the fam. When I get back I should see no musical equipment except for my shit and all of you including your belongings need to be out too."

"We love you too." They all tell her in unison.

After everyone finishes eating Celeste goes on to her balcony to smoke her morning joint, she used to get in trouble for smoking back then but her parents don't say much about it now. She started smoking to rebel against her parents because they favored her older sister, since she knew it had nothing to do with Salem she only made her parents life a living hell. She remembers the first time she got caught, she snuck some of her week from Matteo and he of course told Salem who told their parents. Now she smokes for a peaceful state of mind not smoking as much as she used to.

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