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I am currently adding the finishing touches to my makeup. I decided to do a very light makeup look because concerts always end up getting hot from all the body heat.

Damien is in the living room glaring at Saul while he tries to make conversation and I find it hilarious. Saul isn't the type to be nervous though and from what i've observed he isn't much of a talker if he doesn't know you that well. He's good at hiding his true intentions and feelings.

"Okay guys let's go." I say while spraying perfume and grabbing my keys and purse.

"Non credo che mi piacciato." Damien says not breaking eye contact with Saul. (I don't think I like him)

I roll my eyes and glare at Damien. "Sicuramente non lo conoscete, ma non lo avete ancora detto una sola parola." (You barely even know him, I bet you haven't said a word to him yet.)

"That's not the point-" I cut Damien off before he can finish.

"I don't want to hear it stop being a butt."

"내 얘기하는 거야?" Saul asks looking very confused. (Are you talking about me.)

"아니요, it's all in your head." I say showing him a tight lipped smile. (no)

"And he speaks the language you always talk shit about me in."

"Whatever, stop being rude you just met him now let's go before we're late and I swear to you if i'm late to this both of you will feel my wrath and i'm not fucking playing." I smile at both of them then open my apartment door. "Now who's driving, unfortunately I can't because I just don't feel like it.

"I'll drive." They both say at the same time, that doesn't sit right with Damien because he's currently glaring at Saul.

"You know what I'll wait outside while y'all play rock paper scissors or some shit figure it out."

I end up taking the elevator downstairs while going through some emails

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I end up taking the elevator downstairs while going through some emails. I wasn't waiting in the parking garage for too long and I guess Saul won rock paper scissors because he unlocked his car doors, while Damien had his arms crossed looking like a pouty toddler.

"cresci sei un bambino così grande. He won fair and square get over it." I say while hopping in the passenger seat.  (grow up youre such a big baby)

"I'm not talking to either of you." He says while huffing

"Okay cool we'll just talk in Korean then."

I thought this would make Damien upset but he just kept staring out the window. Damien is such a big baby and a very sore looser. He's also very easy to read, I'm pretty sure he's jealous because he thinks he's being replaced but nobody could ever replace him. I guess I just have to make that known more often.

"흥분되니?" I ask trying to change the subject. (are you excited?)

"네." He says while keeping his eyes on the road. (yes)

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