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The school nurse has him sit down on the bed. Max sits down next to him, keeping one arm around him. While he calls Zee. " Hey, I need you guys to go to NuNews art class and get his bag. Hurry and come to the nurses office after " Max tells Zee. " I don't know what happened yet. Just hurry. He needs everyone right now " Max says before the call ends.

Max is right. He definitely needs everyone here with him. There's safety in numbers and they can all work to help calm him down. " Baby, when you are ready. I need you to tell us what happened " Max says gently, wrapping both arms around him. He leans into Max as close as he can. Wanting more comfort.

Max holds him for a few minutes before the others rush in, causing him to flinch. " It's ok. It's just the others. They're here now " Max says gently. He turns to look, immediately making eye contact with NuNew. Who is looking at him concerned.

He moves away from Max and reaches out for NuNew. Who immediately pulls him into a tight hug. " Tell is what you know " Zee says to Max. " A staff member came over to me and said that I need to follow him to Nat. He was in the bathroom. That's all I know so far " Max says. He wraps his arms around NuNew tightly.

He doesn't want to think about it. It was to similar. He just wants to go home and be with everyone. He wants to see his mother. He wants to see his father. He wants to be anywhere but here. He wants his fear to disappear.

" I'm glad to see you are all here with him right now. Has he told you what has happened yet " the principal says, walking into the room. " He hasn't. Can you please explain to us a little more about what happened " Poppy asks.

" I was walking towards his art classroom. His teacher said he needed to see me about something Nat had drawn. On my way there I heard a scream. So I immediately called for backup before going to look at where the scream came from. I found Kit dragging Nat to the other side of the bathroom " the principal says. NuNew tightens the hold he has of him.

" Nat, can you please tell us what happened " Poppy gently asks him. He pulls away from the hug. He doesn't want to do it but he knows he has to. " In art class. W-We were supposed to draw a landscape. That's what I wanted to draw. I thought I did draw one " he says. His hands start to shake again. NuNew immediately holds them.

" My teacher, he came and tapped me on my shoulder. Asking me if I wanted to talk about my drawing to him. I drew. I-I drew Aek strangling me " he says as he starts to cry again. NuNew pulls him back into a hug. " He asked me if I needed a break. I nodded my head and left the room. I went to the bathroom because I was panicking. I wanted to text you guys but I forgot my phone in the classroom " he says.

He pulls away from the hug, moving away from everyone a little bit. He needs space as he talks about the next parts. " Kit and Copter came into the bathroom. They made fun of me because I was panicking. I asked why they must torture me today of all days. Aek slapped me and grabbed onto my sweater. H-He said that I don't get to tell him what he did ".

            He rubs his forehead as he remembers everything. " They said so the rumors are true. I ended up telling them everything Aek did to me. T-They didn't believe me so I showed them my neck. They were shocked and I " he pauses biting his lip.

            NuNew goes to move towards him but he takes a step back and quickly shakes his head no. NuNew immediately stops. " I told them I find it ridiculous that they are shocked by what Aek did to me. Cooter got mad and asked why. I asked if they looked into a mirror. It made Copter mad and he grabbed me by my sweater " he pauses again. He's at the difficult part of explaining what happened.

            " He told me to watch my fucking mouth. And I said or what, you'll fucking beat me up like you always do. Copter responded by shoving me against the wall. I told him that they might not have hurt me as much as Aek did but they are still in the same shitty category of human beings. I was just mad. I couldn't handle them torturing me. I had enough things to worry about. I-I didn't want to make them " he doesn't finish his sentence.

            " Nat, what did they do to you " Zee asks him concerned. He unconsciously reaches up to his neck as he looks towards the ground, avoiding eye contact. " Kit walked over and pulled my sweater down. H-He tried to touch my neck. I slapped his hand away. The only people who can touch my neck are Max, NuNew, Zee and Poppy. Only they can. Kit can't. Especially when he's friends with Aek " he says.

            " They touched your neck " Max says, sounding angry. " K-Kit told Copter to hold me still. Copter grabbed my hands and pushed me against the wall. I started to scream as Kit began to touch my neck. I screamed for them to stop as loud as I could. Kit only pushed down harder on my neck and Copter " he pauses as he cries.

            His fear is coming back as he thinks about it. " C-Copter covered my mouth " he says. " Thats like " NuNew says quietly. " I-It was just like the mall. Only this time it was two people. One was touching me somewhere I didn't want to be touched. While the other covered my mouth, preventing me from screaming " he says, wrapping his arms around himself.

            " I was hyperventilating and I kicked Copter. W-which got him away from me. I ran and got halfway out the door before being grabbed. I fell to the floor and screamed. I-I was terrified and didn't know what to do " he says quickly. He looks back up and says " W-What if the principal didn't hear me scream and they got me alone again. W-What if they both. W-What if they " he can't finish his sentence. He doesn't even want to.

                    WC: 1106

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