Something's Starting Right Now

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Hello Readers! I would like to welcome you and introduce you to my creation. It is my modern take on what happens between the end of the first TLM movie, and over the course of the second. Also, as someone with mental health experience (both personal and professional), I thought I would give our favorite couple realistic emotions and thoughts. With that being said, a couple of disclaimers, I only own my creativity, all TLM characters and lines are owned by Disney. Additionally, this is a modern retelling, so there are things like cell phones, and Queen Athena is alive. This story is a labor of love, and I hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 1: Something's Starting Right Now

After vows were exchanged and rice was thrown, the newlyweds headed to their limo. They both gazed at each other sighing in both relief and exhaustion, as the weight of the day's festivities finally caught up with them. With a shared chuckle and a collective content hum, they admired as the sunset illuminated the sky and painted the countryside. The last of the sea-dwelling guests dissipated under the waves as those on land traversed the lush landscape making their way back to their residences. All the while, the sun regained its place with the sea, settling for the night.

They both just held each other for a while as the limo left their wedding party in the dusk, and they gained distance from the docks. The low hum of the car's engine was the only audible sound aside from the beating of the two hearts which on this day, became one. Stars speckled the sky and a familiar seagull passed overhead and continued toward the duo's destination.

"Well that was absolutely perfect," he said happily as he held his new bride against him and kissed the crown of her fiery red hair. He loved every aspect of her because she did something that no one else did, she made him whole. He never saw himself as the marrying type, yet when this innocent, beautiful, albeit clumsy, yet wholesome girl came into his life, it hit lightning.

The two knew this day was coming ever since they met three years ago. He knew the moment he saw her that she was the one he had been looking for. While she knew his arms were the only ones she wanted to have wrapped around her, in a protective embrace for the rest of time. Before they knew it, the limo arrived at the palace, and they were so exhausted, neither could hardly stand. They adored their family and friends, sure!, but goodness knows that the time they spent alone was the most enjoyable. Eric got out of the car and hurried to the other side to help Ariel out. He did not let her go and that was a promise that he intended to keep forever. He held his arms open for her and, as if by muscle memory, she sleepily went into his embrace, relishing in his warmth and familiar aroma. "Welcome home" he whispered, as he grazed his lips across her temple, and felt her arms make their way lazily around his waist. He could feel her smile, and he couldn't help but let out a soft sigh. They made their way onto the extravagant palace veranda, sitting on the satin-lined bench as they stared up at the night sky. While they shared the same palace for the last three years, coming home this time felt different, a good different. The ocean waves crashed rhythmically upon the shore and a certain loyal crustacean took solace in knowing that the Sea King's most precious daughter was safe, and most importantly she was happy. He then said a silent goodnight and dove back into the ocean setting back toward Atlantica.

Back on the patio while in Eric's soothing embrace and looking at the stars, Ariel began to absentmindedly sing the melody that she did when she first met her soulmate. "...But I know something's starting right now...Watch and you'll see..." "Now I will be..." Eric chimed in. "Part of your world" they both sang in a harmonious chord. Their foreheads gently touched followed by a soft, tender kiss. "You know," he began, "I love that song, It will always be our song," he said breathlessly grinning at her, guiding a loose tendril behind her ear. Feeling overwhelmed with affection, she wrapped her arms around him, squeezing tightly.

"I cannot believe this is happening to me" she whispered against his chest while looking out at the sea. "I could say the same thing," Eric said as he caressed her shoulders and joined her gaze on the ocean. They both imagined the days to come, how the world outside of their little bubble would be and what the future may hold. The kingdom had just gotten to know Ariel and they loved the entire idea of her, also seeing that she was the first and only person who made Eric genuinely happy.

Over the course of the blossoming courtship, rumors flared throughout the kingdom, rumors that there was a new heir to the throne and that Ariel had used magical power to woo the beloved prince. However, after she established her permanent place in his life, this was all dispelled and the appreciation for merpeople culture grew with each passing day the couple remained together. Through each outing and adventure they embarked upon, her genuine compassion for the kingdom became more apparent. Even Grimsby, the old beanpole, began to appreciate her eccentricities.

As they entered the castle, they found the lights dimmed and a small candle illuminating a handwritten card. Walking over to it and Eric picked it up saying, "it's from Grims..." Ariel leaned into him and wrapped her arm around his torso, urging him to go on.

"Dearest Ariel and Eric,

Congratulations on this joyous day. You two will make each other extremely happy and it is very apparent that you can face any obstacle together, here between ocean and sky. Tomorrow you will be the rulers of this magnificent kingdom. Congratulations again.Warmest Regards,Grimsby"

"That was very sweet," she said, her words pregnant with fatigue. Eric agreed as he placed the card on the table. He turned to her and all they did was smile at each other. "What do you say we head upstairs and get some sleep?" Eric asked smugly. Being past midnight, Ariel agreed with a yawn, as she rubbed her eyes. With that Eric blew out the candle, and the two proceeded up the grand staircase. As they reached the top of the stairs, Ariel felt herself being lifted. She began to giggle, but immediately ceased when she realized how loud she was. "What are you doing?" She whispered to Eric, "Carrying you over the threshold" he said. She just shook her head at him and smiled; always the romantic, she thought to herself while she looped her hands around his neck.

Once in their master bedroom, he set her down, allowing her to slide down his body, and begin to slowly sway, as if slow dancing to non-existent music. "I love you, Ariel, to the moon and back and across the seven seas. I lost you once, I'm never leaving you again," Eric said, brushing a loose tendril out of her face and cupping her cheek. This was something small that he did instinctually, but it made her heart flutter as she recounted their first actual date. She stood there in awe, tears threatening to fall and then she replied; "I love you too Eric, to every galaxy and across the seven continents, I thank the gods every day that we found each other all those years ago." He simply wrapped his arms around her frame and brought his forehead to hers with a shy smile.

These sentiments seemed fitting as their vows because of where each came from, and it told family, friends, and the gods that they were meant to be. The two sealed this promise with a tender kiss, while the glow of the nearby candle illuminated the bedside table. They changed into their pajamas, for Ariel a satin negligee and for Eric a pair of pants that showed his abs, which have become defined from years of sailing. He never bowed into the idea of wearing a shirt to bed since he wanted Ariel to see that he offered himself openly to her, and to be honest, she wasn't complaining. He had so much to thank Ariel for, being that she saved his life on more than one occasion. And he vowed that he would devote the better part of their lives protecting her and repaying her for the light she brought to his life and the joy she continues to contribute.

The couple lay down in the enormous bed that the palace staff had decorated with rose petals and tea-light candles. Ariel snuggled against his chest as he pulled the covers up. Max, being the loyal canine he is, curled up in his own bed at the base of his owners'. Once they settled, she spoke, "thank you," she said looking adoringly into his bright blue eyes, brushing her fingertips along his jawline and up into his sideburn. He looked at her, cocking his head to the side, and raising an eyebrow slightly taken aback. "For what?" he asked, his hands caressing her lower back. After a long pause and a drawn-out yawn, she spoke again. "Loving me," she said simply as her eyes fluttered closed, nuzzling into his chest. He turned the light off and stroked her hair and slowly fell asleep, "Forever and Always Ariel" he said as he joined her drifting off to dreamland.

Peace, Love, and Happy Reading!

Until Next Time,


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