A Tale Of The Bottomless Blue.

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Hello Readers! I hope you are doing well, and are having a prosperous 2023 thus far! I myself am starting a new job tomorrow, and I am both nervous and excited. I am also saddened by Splash Mountain closing after today. Quick personal story, I went on the ride when I was 5, and being terrified I vowed to never go on it again. Fast forward 20 years, when my BFF and I went to Disney World in 2021, I went on again. This time, I held my best friend's hand and took the plunge, getting over my PTSD. My last time riding Splash Mountain, was this past April, when I spent my actual birthday at Magic Kingdom. I was able to come full circle and come to terms with the mountain. On another note, my professional confidence has never been 100%, but I think I will really do well in this role. Anywho, my gift to you, my lovelies, is chapter 5.

Yes it is a brief chapter, but it is more like a transition chapter to more fun adventures to come. Again, I only own my creative license with these characters. All lines, characters, and songs belong to Disney.

This chapter is dedicated to Splash Mountain: "Wonderful feeling, wonderful day!"

Chapter 5: A Tale Of The Bottomless Blue.

     It was finally Saturday and Ariel was awake before anyone else. She woke at about 8:45 and she remained quiet as she gazed at Eric's sleeping form, watching as Eric's back rose and fell with each long breath. She found it difficult to sit still after a while, so she began packing her two bags. Max assisted by bringing her hairbrush, knowing that she was going somewhere and thought perhaps he could go along. Ariel had gotten all of her makeup and natural skin and hair products in one bag as Eric began to stir.

     She glanced up at his expression, and she was captivated by the dazzling smile that made her fall in love with him all those years ago when she was sitting on the side of his birthday ship. Getting up, she sauntered over to him, and before she knew it she was on his lap with his arms securely around her. "Why are you up so early, hmm?" he asked her. "Well, I am just so excited! One, I get to revisit my home and two, I get to spend time with you." She said smiling her most dazzling smile at him; in return his lips met hers. "Good, I'm glad you are as excited as I am," he said as they wrapped each other in a warm hug.

     Grimsby knocked on the door as the two were helping each other pack. "Sire, there is a young lady down near the beach, she asks to speak to you and Ariel," he said plainly. "Ohh Gosh! Ok...thank you Grims" Ariel said as she looked down at her watch, seeing it was 11:28 AM. "We should head down to the beach" Eric suggested as he picked up two suitcases and Ariel picked up the remaining one. "You sure you have everything under control while we are gone, Grim?" Eric asked as they walked down the hallway. "Ahh mmhmm, now Eric I think you have too much salt water on the brain. Everything will be fine, now go and have a good time," Grimsby noted, causing Eric to chuckle.

     They proceeded down the stairs, walked through the dining room, and a particular thought permeated Eric's mind ever since first planning the trip. "Darling...there is something that I want to ask you," he said as they arrived at the bottom of the staircase leading to the beach, and she looked at him with a slight apprehension. They set their suitcases down and rested against the sandy dune. "How are we going to be able to stay in Atlantica if we are human?" he asked. In return, she placed his hand in hers and caressed the side of his face with the other, "Eric, do you remember when we defeated Ursula and you awoke on the beach and I still had my tail and we wanted so desperately to be together?" He nodded, recounting his fear of losing her. "Well little did I know that Daddy was right behind me, and saw how happy we could be if we were together. He used the power of his trident to give me legs, and then, well...you know the rest." She said, "I have never been happier," Eric said as he wrapped his hand around hers and gave her a sweet, passionate kiss.

Until Next Time,
"What a wonderful world I see."
Peace, Love, and Happy Reading!

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