The Salty Sea Air.

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Hello, again dear readers! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I now present to you, chapter 2. Again all TLM lines and characters belong to Disney.

Chapter 2: The Salty Sea Air

     The following morning as the pale pinks and oranges painted the sky, Eric and Ariel awoke while the seagulls swooned and the gentle ebb and flow of the tide met the beach. "Good morning," Eric said, nuzzling his cheek into the crown of Ariel's hair, inhaling the faint smell of salt that would always be with her. "Good morning to you too" she replied as she looked up and they shared a sweet kiss, a low hum escaping his throat. To both of them, the events of the previous night remained as a dream, and the reverie surrounding them seemed endless. After a few moments of lounging around, he spoke, "Let's go get some breakfast," Eric said springing out of bed and going over to greet his groggy, four-legged companion.

     Ariel admired her husband's connection with his dog and looked on lovingly as Max rolled all over the floor, waiting for his friend to give him belly rubs. She grew to love him just as she had loved the sea creatures she grew up with, and he took to her like...well, like a duck to water. She was then shaken out of her reverie when she felt a cold nose on her knee. Looking down she was met with those adorable eyes she had grown fond of and of course his always wagging tail. "Hey buddy, are you happy today?" she asked playfully while ruffling his ears, as Eric looked on chuckling at the interaction. Max, looking like he could understand her, placed his head on her lap. Eric joined his bride back on the bed and broke out laughing when Max joined them and wedged himself between them, licking Eric's face and topping it off with a cheerful bark, causing Ariel to giggle. Deep down Eric knew that he was on Ariel's side in this "battle."

     They then both put on their his and hers robes and proceeded downstairs. Arriving hand in hand at the table at around 9:30, they saw Grim there reading the paper and sipping his tea. "Ahh, Eric, Ariel! Good morning, I trust you both slept well last night?" He asked the newlyweds as Eric helped his wife into her chair, then took his place next to her. "Indeed Grims, we slept great," Eric said, offering Ariel a smirk and wink, causing her to blush and look down at her setting at the table. Breakfast then consisted of eggs, bacon, fruit, and biscuits. Once finished, they changed out of their pajamas Ariel, Eric, and Max headed down to the beach.

     "Isn't this great?" Eric asked, "The salty sea air, the wind blowing in your face..." a relaxed sigh escaping his lips. "It sure is," Ariel replied, taking his arm while they walked. As they traversed the warm sand, Max began to bark frantically, sniffed the sand, and then took off toward the water. Ariel called after him, and broke into a jog to follow him. When she caught up to him she realized that Max ran to the alcove where Eric first spotted her, after she traded her voice to the sea witch for legs. The memories caused the color to spring to her cheeks as she patted Max while he lay beside her. "You always know where you're going don't you?" she said, offering him a treat from her pocket, and Max barked confirming she was right.

     "Familiar place, eh?" Eric asked as he caught up to them, causing them both to laugh. As they enjoyed the sun and sand, and the truly beautiful day, a splashing noise caught their attention, and they began to peer around looking for the voice. "Well well, if it isn't my little sister!" called a familiar voice. Ariel whipped her head toward the sea and immediately spotted the familiar face to whom the voice belonged. "Attina!? Is that you?" Ariel asked, shielding her eyes from the glistening sun off of the water. "Of course it is! how about giving your eldest sister a hug?!" With that, Ariel bolted toward her sister, waded calf-deep into the ocean, and embraced her eldest sibling.

     Historically, the two had experienced a tense relationship since Attina was more like their father and was hesitant about humans, whereas Ariel was more like their mother, carefree and ambitious. However, Attina's viewpoint changed when she heard about how Eric saved her sister and saw how happy her sister had become over the last three years. Eric waved from the cusp of the ocean to his sister-in-law, keeping Max out of the water, and patted him on the head. Ariel then sat down on Mermaid Rock, and her sister rested on her elbows. "What are you doing here Atti?" Atti was Ariel's nickname for Attina since they were kids. "Well..." her sister began; "Daddy wants you and Eric to come down to Atlantica to celebrate your wedding. He and Mom have this whole party thing planned," she said waving her arms about, to emphasize her points.

      Traditionally in merpeople culture, the wedding itself would take place underwater, and then a multi-day party would take place. Yet in light of the circumstances, Ariel and Eric chose to compromise and marry on a wedding barge at dusk. This way, the two worlds would both be included. And with all of the guests from Atlantica attending a royal wedding, they needed the space. Ariel had not thought about this tradition in years due to her being the first of her family to be married, much less to a human. But all of her sisters were always carrying on about parties and well, Ariel couldn't help wanting that for herself.

      Ariel's eyes lit up with excitement as she waded back to shore to tell Eric. As she approached him, he still got the same butterflies that he did that morning after he shishkabobbed the sea witch, dove to safety, and reunited with his siren. "That seems like a wonderful idea, it will be nice to see your dad and sisters again not to mention officially meeting Flounder," he said to his love. "Ohh Thank you Eric!" she said as she leaped into his arms, and he spun her around ending it with a passionate kiss. "I love seeing you happy," Eric said as she kissed him again with a giggle before returning to her sister. Oh boy, he thought, now I have to remember all those girls' names! Ariel better help me.

     "This is wonderful Ariel!" Attina said enthusiastically, "So we will see both of you on Saturday at 11:30. The party starts at one, and it takes a while to get to Atlantica from here." "Great we will see you then," Ariel said as she returned to the shore and joined Eric in waving goodbye to Attina until Saturday. Eric and Ariel then watched Attina dive beneath the waves, her tangerine tail glistening against the blue water, and then walked back to the steps of the staircase leading into their home.

I hope you liked it! Up next, chapter 3!

Until next time, peace, love, and happy reading.


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