Would You Like To Join Me On A Tour Of My Kingdom?

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Hello, my dear readers, I hope you are doing well, and enjoying the story thus far. I want to take a moment to dedicate this chapter to Jodi Benson, and Christopher Daniel Barnes (lovingly referred to as CDB). Without them, we would not have our beloved characters' voices and personalities. I also found the best way to show my appreciation for their craft, make them characters in my story! I had the honor of meeting Jodi twice (once in Boston in 2019, and again in 2022 in Rhode Island). She is an absolute gem of a woman and I was so happy to meet my childhood hero. I have also interacted (both in the comment section, and DMs) with CDB on instagram, and I gotta say; the guy is super cool, and he sounds just like Eric all these years later. Anywho, that's enough rambling, so here is chapter 3! I added a tiny story arc that I hope to expand on in upcoming chapters. See if you can pick it up, and enjoy chapter 3!

Chapter 3: Would You Like To Join Me On A Tour Of My Kingdom?

     Later that morning, Eric had meetings with the annual budget committee, one of the obligations as king he would have to deal with. The kingdom was financially stable, however, the meeting was to ensure it stays that way. At least that is what Grimsby insisted every time he nagged Eric to attend. Meanwhile, Ariel was busy talking with Carlotta about enhancing the castle with even more of an Atlantican ode, ever since the Vanessa incident Ariel wanted to make it feel homier. "Thank you, everyone, the plans sound great," Eric said as the committee was leaving his large conference room, and Max navigated through the strangers, making his way to his best friend.

     It was about one thirty in the afternoon and he had nearly fallen asleep due to boredom a half dozen times. Eric returned to his study and sighed loudly, both in contentment and appreciation that the meeting was finally over. The only part of the meeting that was of interest to him, was the new decree being put into place that fishing would be done on the opposing side of the bay, in order to protect the citizens of Atlantica. This way, there wouldn't be any merpeople being swept up in fishing nets. His new in-laws would be happy with this, and Eric felt this would make him appear organized in his father-in-law's eyes.

     Ariel wandered over to Eric's study where she found him sitting in his armchair facing the ocean. "It's beautiful isn't it?" He said not turning around, sensing that his other half was only inches behind him, instead ruffling Max's ears. "Absolutely, and the sea is beautiful too," she said, causing him to blush and a smile to creep to his face. Eric loved that she honed her sense of humor in their time together, not to mention her quick wit that Grimsby less than appreciated. He swiveled around in his chair and she made her way across the room and sat on his lap.

     They both were anticipating going to Atlantica for two entirely different reasons. Eric couldn't wait since he had never been there before and Ariel could not wait to see her sisters and of course, Flounder. "We should get packing; I mean we'll be staying down there for the long weekend right?" Eric asked her as he peered into her beautiful ocean blue eyes with a smile. "Yes definitely, four days in Atlantica means a lot of bags." She said laughing and running her fingers through his ebony hair. "So that means one bag for me and six for you...I mean your hair" Eric said laughing as Ariel playfully swatted at him. "I know thee well as well," she said as her lips met his.

      "So..." Eric started, after breaking the kiss, "Why don't we take Max on a walk into town and pick up some appetizers for dinner with Chris and Jodi tonight?" Hearing the word "walk," Max came bounding in and stuck his nose between his two best friends with tail wagging. "Yes, that sounds like a great idea. It will be nice to see Jodi and Chris again; it seems like forever since we have seen them," Ariel said. "Then let's get going. It's almost two and they will be here at six," said Eric, getting up and extending his hand to her, which she readily accepted. "I'll get Max his leash." Max barked in agreement and the trio was off.

     It was a beautiful spring day as Ariel, Eric, and Max reached the town square. Children and local merchants lined the streets and the community was abuzz with music, puppet shows, and livestock trading. They decided to pick up some locally made cheeses and loaves of bread, as well as some tapenade and spritz. After perusing the market for a good while, the duo found a bench right off of the fountain at the heart of the town. "This is perfect for this evening. Thank you," she said while pouring some water into a bowl for Max. "You don't have to keep thanking me, sweetheart. Chris and Jodi are my friends too ya know" Eric said playfully as he and Ariel sat on a bench around the extravagant town fountain. In return, she rested her cheek against Eric's shoulder with Max's leash in one hand when her phone began to ring.

"Hello," Ariel answered.
"Ariel, Hi it's Jodi, how are you?"
"Oh Hi! I am fantastic!"

     She perked up, tucking her hair behind her ear and adjusting her sunglasses. Eric then motioned that he was going over to chat with a gentleman waving at him, and she nodded with a smile, handing him Max's leash.

"Eric and I are just in the center of town getting some last minute things for tonight, and Max needed a walk so...How are you?"
"We are great, can't wait to see you guys. Well just letting you know, we are about to leave and will be there in about forty-five minutes."
"Sounds perfect, we will see you at six!"
"Bye Ariel ohh, and say hi to Eric for us"
"Will do see ya, Jodi"

     And with that, she hung up. "Jodi?" Eric asked as he concluded his conversation with Leo, a local shop owner, and returned to her, "Yup, she says hi, they are leaving their house now and should be at the palace in forty-five minutes." Ariel said as she packed up their bags of food and Max's bowl. Max had been lying under the pair with his head on Eric's foot. Eric looked down at his watch, "We should get going if we want to beat them" Ariel said. "Agreed," said Eric pecking her on the nose, "Come on Max." He jumped up and the pair walked hand in hand back to their beloved home.

     It is about twenty-five of six when they arrive home; Ariel put the spritz, cheese, and tapenades away while Eric returned Max's leash to its rightful place in the closet near the door. He met her at the base of the staircase, and they retreated upstairs to change. Ariel decided since it was a casual get together, her cerulean dress with navy corset and the matching bow would be fitting. Eric changed from his shorts and tee shirt to his trademark white shirt and blue pants with a red cummerbund and black boots.

     They both head back downstairs, about fifteen minutes later, and encounter Grimsby and Carlotta, who were finalizing the plans for the evening. "Oh hello, Your Majesties," Carlotta said. Carlotta had been the housekeeper at the palace ever since Eric had been a young child and she simply loved her job as well as Eric and Ariel. "Hi Carlotta," They said in unison. Eric then spoke up, "Lottie, how many times have I told you, I hate titles and Ariel does too," Ariel nodded in agreement. "Oh! pish posh! you aren't that little boy I used to run around after. Besides, you are a king now, be proud of that," as she pinched his cheek and ruffled his hair. Eric smiled at her and the memory, and she was right. But something plagued him, why has she never aged? And Grim too for that matter. He dismissed this thought for the moment and gave Grimsby his full attention. "Everything is all set for when the Barnsons arrive. Drinks and appetizers in the salon, then dinner in the dining hall, and finally coffee and desserts out on the patio." Grimsby chimed in. "That sounds great Grim," Eric said as he patted Grimsby on the shoulder. As if on cue the doorbell rang and the Barnsons awaited on the front porch.

Until next time, don't forget that "the human world is a mess" so try to be a compassionate human.

Peace, Love, and Happy Reading.


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