When Triton's Daughter Comes Back Here To The Water

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Well hello again my amazing readers! I hope you are enjoying the story this far. I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for each of you that read my story. It really warms my heart and motivates me to keep going. As alluded to at the end of chapter six, chapter seven is one that is close to my heart. As I said in one of my earlier edits, this story is intended to humanize (make real) our favorite character's experiences/adventures, and as someone who works in mental health, I want to spread awareness with the goal of normalizing expressing feelings.

Please enjoy this chapter, and again, all TLM lines, music, and characters belong to Disney.

Chapter 7: When Triton's daughter comes back here to the water

The third day in Atlantica had only just begun and already, Eric and Ariel had been given gifts, good wishes and blessings on their happiness. It was almost overwhelming, the amount of love and admiration that they got from everyone, and they could only bask in all of it. Later that day, the duo finally had some time to themselves before the grand banquet, and while perusing the city's outermost limits they stopped and thought about what they had experienced that day while navigating closer to the surface.

"This trip has been amazing, I never knew that Atlantica was so close," he said, waving his hands about the vast ocean, nearly propelling him a mile ahead of her. They had already attended what they believed was the biggest celebration they had ever seen and been a part of. Athena and Triton gave them an experience that they will never forget, and this trip to Atlantica was the first, and best, that Eric had experienced.

As they made their way back to Atlantica, Ariel was quiet and Eric noticed it almost immediately. Three years of living together gave each of them an intimate insight into the other's eccentricities and quirks after all. For example, Ariel knew Eric always raked his hair when he was embarrassed or complimented, and Eric knew that when Ariel became pensive and had something on her mind, she became quiet.

After a way of swimming and no change in her demeanor, he decided to ask his other half what was on her mind. "Ariel, are you alright? you've been so quiet and I am worried about what is going on in that beautiful brain of yours" he said looking deep into her eyes, slowing their swimming to a float. She simply looked up at him and gave a weak smile while reaching for his hand, which he willingly provided to her. In turn, she gave it a tight, reassuring squeeze while leading him on a detour to a small cove. The entryway had grown over with a variety of kelp and algae, but she easily cast it aside and got in, like she had countless times before.

Without a word, they entered and Eric looked around them, at a loss for words. Surrounding them, were the remnants of the statue Grimsby had commissioned for him years before, among cutlery and the occasional candelabra. So that's where it ended up he thought to himself. Shrugging it off, he found his love tracing her fingers over the various books. "I can't help it, my mind just..." she began and looked up for the word as if it would appear out of thin air. "Drifts?" he offered, and she sighed in content, as she visibly relaxed. "Yes! That's it, It drifts to so many different things." Her mood then shifted to one of dark and clouded doubt, and she sat on her chaise in the middle of the cave, intertwining her fingers in her lap.

Eric joined her, feeling heartbroken for her anguish and saw that she wanted to say something, but she was having difficulty choosing how to say it. In a beat, he wooshed past her leaving a faint trail of bubbles after him causing her to peer up. She soon realized that she was being brought around the small room, and played along cautiously. He then drew her into his arms, and brought her forehead to his, wrapping his left arm around her mid back, while his right caressed the curve of her neck at the base of her head. Their tails intertwined and she let out a sigh, secretly happy that she was back in her favorite place, Eric's arms.

Eric then lounged on the rock formation, taking her with him, so that his head was on her lap. "Now," he began, "you know you can tell me anything." She became quiet and somber yet again, and in a beat, another idea struck him. "I love you to the moon and back and across the seven seas, you saved me, and that voice...I could never get it out of my head, nor do I ever want to." This caused her to chuckle and rake her fingers through his hair. He had her, and she knew it. "You don't play fair," she replied and he playfully raised an eyebrow, bringing his hand to caress her lower back. After a heavy sigh, she spoke, "It's just that in the middle of happiness and celebration, I-I I go back to that night where I almost lost you, and Daddy and everyone!" She was shaking now, her voice trembling with anxious boisterousness, causing him to spring up and console her, enveloping her in a tight embrace as he felt her shakily grasp for him. All the while, her tears escaped, despite how hard she tried to conceal them.

"Let it out my darling, you're safe now, no one can hurt you, and no one will ever again." His heart ached for her, she is one of the strongest people he knew, and it pained him to see her overcome with worry. "You are my world, darling, so strong and as real as the sea itself," he said softly as he rocked them back and forth. "If you can hear me now...come back to me" he said, his voice pleading with a slight crack in it. She looked at him in awe and wonder, How did I get so lucky? she thought, while burying her face in his neck. "I haven't talked about this with anyone, not even my parents, any of my sisters, or Flounder," she said as she wiped her eyes. He looked at her, taking her head in his hands, locking their eyes, cerulean to sky. "Well, we can take it one day at a time, together" he replied, and she nodded and her lips met his. Even with these intrusive thoughts, her confidence in him never wavered, and he knew he had his old Ariel back.

Later that evening, Ariel and Eric were at the banquet enjoying fine cuisine and music; when Attina approached the podium. With a tap of her glass, she had the whole room at her beck and call, eagerly awaiting her speech. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, friends, and distinguished guests, I would like to welcome you to this amazing event," applause ensued then died down. "She worked on this speech for like ever" Arista whispered to Eric. "Hah, this ought to be good then" Eric whispered back, causing Arista to giggle, earning her a disapproving glare from her mother. After a quick pause, Attina continued "I would like to be the first to say welcome my new brother-in-law Eric to not only Atlantica, but also our family." Eric arose and politely nodded as the crowd applauded again. Once he sat down, Attina concluded her speech; "Eric, you have grown to love our baby sister over the last three years, and that is no small task," causing the crowd to chuckle. "I speak for all of us Triton girls when I wish you both all the best, and here is to all of your future adventures, both on land and sea!" making the crowd cheer enthusiastically.

"Now I would like to hand this over to my father, King Triton!" With that, she gave her father a peck on the cheek and then retreated back to her chair next to Ariel. "Thank you for that warm introduction Attina, and thank you all for coming. Today is indeed a marvelous day. Today two kingdoms, land and sea, become one. I feel as though, instead of losing a daughter I have gained a son. Eric, my boy..." Triton gestured to Ariel and Eric joined him at the podium and he wrapped his arms around them. "We are now officially part of each other's worlds, please everyone join me in celebrating the happy couple!" The room erupted with applause as the trio embraced with the family including Athena and Ariel's sisters. For the remainder of the night, there was nothing but happiness, joy, and pure bliss.

Until Next Time,

Keep flippin' your fins!

Peace, Love, and Happy Reading

~xoxo DisneySoul4996

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