Flippin' Your Fins You Don't Get Too Far...Just to Atlantica

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Chapter 6: Flippin' Your Fins You Don't Get Too Far...Just To Atlantica

     As if on cue, Attina caught their attention and Ariel blushed. "Hello Attina," Eric said while clearing his throat, exchanging knowing glances with his sister-in-law. He picked up the bags, linked arms with Ariel and headed over to the shoreline. Once there Ariel gave her sister a hug and asked her where their father was. "Oh, he's coming. I just could not wait to see my little sis, so... I came early! I hope you don't mind" Attina said as she hoisted herself onto a nearby rock, and fixed the five point crown in her hair. "Not at all," Eric said as he held Ariel close to him and smiled.

     "So did you guys change into your swimsuits before you came down? I know how this one tends to forget things." Atti asked gesturing to her sister, causing Ariel to roll her eyes and Eric to rub her shoulders, as they nodded. "Great, well let's swim out a little ways and Daddy should be there waiting." And with that, Ariel took off her blue dress to reveal her seashell top and lime green bottom. Eric made his way closer to her, closing the distance between them and took the bobby pin from her hair allowing it to cascade freely around her shoulders. "Now there's the girl I married, simply stunning" Eric said with a smile and she laughed; "Well the girl who rescued you, twice, minus the tail," she replied giggling. "Come on," she said quickly, kissing him, grabbing his hand and pulling him toward the sea. "Daddy's waiting," as she collected her shorts and tank top. "Ok, help me with my shirt?" he inquired with a sly grin, causing her to snake her arm up his chest. "Like you even have to ask..." she said with a salacious grin and tore off Eric's white shirt; she lay her head on his bare chest, inhaling his comforting scent. He smelled of the ocean and sandalwood body wash and her hands wandered across his chiseled abdomen. She let out a sigh, kissed his heart, grabbed his hand, and the two waded into the water to meet Attina and King Triton.

     Back at the rock, Attina and King Triton were chatting mindlessly as they waited for the couple. "you know it is just like your sister to take her sweet time, has she lost her senses completely?" Triton asked as he twirled the handle of his trident in the water causing a series of small ripples. "Oh, Daddy relax! she is just as excited to see you as you are to see her. She and Eric just have to make sure that everything is in order, now look! here they come now." Triton then turned to see the pair approaching them and he had to admit, his new son in law swam very well. He must have practiced after the whole Ursula debacle, he thought to himself.

     "Hi, Daddy!" Ariel exclaimed as she reached her father and was enveloped in one of his trademark Triton hugs. "Hello sweetheart, how are you?" Triton asked, "I'm so excited Daddy, I cannot wait!" Ariel told her father with her eyes bright and bubbling with anticipation. He then turned to his son-in-law, "Eric my boy, how have you been?" he said, placing his arm on Eric's shoulder. "Well sir, everything is going swimmingly, no pun intended hehe. The new ship will be ready to sail before too long," Eric said to Triton. "That's great lad, and for the hundredth time call me Dad, I mean honestly we are family aren't we?" he said with a deep chuckle. "Yes, I guess you're right...Dad" Eric said as Ariel wrapped her hands around his waist, easing her husband's nerves. Family was one area of Eric's life that Ariel had not known much about, but she knew it was a taboo subject for him, and she trusted that he would tell her about it in time. As far as she understood, Grimsby, Carlotta, and Max were the only family Eric considered himself to have.

     "So are we just going to stay here all day, or are we going to head down to the party?" Attina asked, flipping her tail around in the water. "She's right Daddy," Ariel added, practically levitating out of the water with anticipation. "Ok, you two might want to hang on to something for balance," Triton advised his youngest daughter and son-in-law. Almost instinctively they quickly grabbed for each other; "Ohh! Daddy look, you guys are TOO cute!" Attina exclaimed. This caused Triton to roll his eyes and plug his ears at his 28 year old daughter's display. It also caused Ariel to blush while burying her head in the crook of Eric's neck and Eric to smile shyly, avoiding all eye contact with his father-in-law. Triton looked away awkwardly and he pointed his trident at the two and a shimmering gold light flowed through the water toward the two. The duo's legs now became tails, for Ariel her vibrant green scales had returned, and for Eric, cerulean blue fins were a stark contrast. Indeed, he was a bit unbalanced at first however after a few minutes, and a tutorial from his wife, Eric was ready to make the voyage.

     The group set off down to Atlantica, on the way they saw how well the environment was doing, each ecosystem thriving both collectively and independently. "These past few years have done wonders for marine longevity!" Triton remarked, gesturing to a patch of seagrass and corals that had doubled in size since last year. Eric was in awe of his father-in-law's vast knowledge and compassion for every citizen, plant, and animal in the kingdom. He hoped he could follow in his footsteps...or in this case finsteps.

     They arrived at Atlantica at about 12:45 pm and to Ariel and Eric's surprise, there was an enormous welcome party set up. The remainder of Ariel's sisters were there and immediately enveloped the duo in a hug, as well as a sea of questions. Once they answered, what they thought was the majority of the inquiries, they joined in on the festivities. Dancing, eating, laughter, and celebrating used up the remainder of the afternoon and evening, and as the crowd decreased, Eric pulled Ariel aside. The pair just looked at one another for a moment, taking it all in, and then Eric broke the silence. "I think everyone was happy to see us, and I definitely need your mom's kelp salad recipe! It is amazing!" In response, Ariel just smiled and hugged him. "Oh I am sure she would gladly give it to you Babe, and we should make it for the next get together with Chris and Jodi, Mom said she could not get enough of it when she was pregnant with Aquata, so maybe it will be Jodi's new pregnancy craving" she offered. Ariel continued; "Ever since I met you, I haven't been able to stop singing, and everyone knew that you were the cause. So naturally, they wanted to meet you." "Well," he began earnestly, "I hope I live up to the standard that you have set, and you my dear, have exceeded every one of mine" he said as he snaked his arms around her petite frame, puffing his chest out. "You have far surpassed my dreams, and made me the happiest person in the whole world." She said and the two returned to a remaining crowd with whom the pair danced, ate, and celebrated.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, it is always fun writing new scenarios. Up next, is one of my favorite chapters I have written for this story thus far. Stay tuned.

Until next time...
Peace, Love, and Happy Reading

~xoxo DisneySoul4996

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