Part Of Your Heart Will Always Belong To The Sea

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Here is chapter 8, I hope you enjoy it. PS I know Triton and Poseidon are not brothers, but I changed it for this story.

Chapter 8: "Part of Your Heart Will Always Belong To The Sea"

As much as they enjoyed their stay, Ariel and Eric both knew that it was finally time to say goodbye, at least for now. Though the goodbye is only temporary, it was a goodbye nonetheless. King Triton, Queen Athena, Ariel and Eric began their journey to the surface, as her six other sisters waved goodbye. While making their way to the surface, Athena and Triton looked on as their ebullient daughter pointed out the various communities in the outer reaches of Atlantica. Athena always knew that out of her daughters, Ariel was destined to stand out, as much as her bright red hair. She hoped one day she could instill the legacy of merpeople royalty into each of her daughters, Ariel in particular. With this knowledge, Ariel and her sisters would maintain the mystery and majesty of the partnership between humans and merpeople. Perhaps then life would make a bit more sense, and the future would be the best yet.

As they reached the surface, they stopped at Mermaid Rock about ten yards from the shore. "Oh, Daddy I will miss you, but please do not hesitate to come and visit, you too Mom" Ariel began as she and Eric placed their bags on the rock. "Don't you worry I will...That is if your sisters don't all beg to come with me," her father replied with a chuckle, while her mother lovingly looked on. Athena then turned to Eric and took some parchment from her satchel, handing it to her son in law. "Eric, here is the recipe you wanted, just let Louis know to get in touch with me, and I can help him get the measurements. It can sometimes get tricky." "Oh great thank you Athena" he said, taking the recipe from her and tucking it in his suitcase. Okay you two, hop on to the rock and I'll give you back your...What's that word again?" Triton asked, his memory "failing" him. "Feet" Eric and Ariel said laughing. "Of course," Triton chuckled. "Now hoist yourselves onto the rock and we will get this show on the road." They obliged and soon felt the sun warm their backs. Triton did what he did best and changed their two tails back into four legs.

"Thank you, Daddy," Ariel said as she hugged her father one last time. "It has been a great trip, thank you Dad" Eric addressed his father in law with a hesitant nervousness. "You are both welcome and I cannot wait to see the new ship, Eric. Please let me know when it is up and running, I'll make sure my brother, Poseidon, gives you smooth waters." "Thank you I shall," Eric replied. Athena turned to Ariel who was chatting with her father, "Ariel dear, don't forget, Adella, Alana, and Andrina are coming to visit next week." Ariel acknowledged her mother and nodded with a small chuckle, imagining her sisters' first time on land without their parents looking after them. "Don't worry Mom, we won't let them get too crazy" she said as she leaned her back into Eric's chest, as he brought his hand up to skim her upper arm.

With that, the Atlantican rulers turned and descended into the surf toward their home. Eric looked at Ariel and smiled, he loved how the sun made her hair glisten. "Well how about we get out of these clothes and join Lottie and Grim for dinner? I'm sure Max misses us" he suggested as her sapphire eyes met his cerulean ones. "I can't wait," she began, tracing her fingers up his abdomen; "Race you to shore?" she asked him. "Absolutely, last one in is a rotten sea slug!" he replied as he dove off the rock into the crystal clear water. He knew Ariel would beat him, she always did, duh she was, and is, part mermaid he thought to himself.

Not much to his surprise when he turned, Ariel was nowhere to be found. He turned back and focused on the shore that lay about seven yards away now. His attention was immediately fixated on a red glimmer in the water. He knew it was her and raced to catch up as he dove beneath the waves. He loved these waters because the salinity is so low that you can open your eyes while under and see the greatness below.

Ariel was about three yards away from the shore; victory was just beyond her reach. All of a sudden a riptide swept up both an unsuspecting Eric and Ariel and set both of them on the shore. Their bags landed right next to the stairs leading up to the castle. As for Ariel and Eric, they landed on the sandy shore exactly where they first met, actually where Ariel brought them after the shipwreck. This time, Ariel was the one on her back on the sand while her prince looked over her. Lucky for her, his head was blocking the sun as he brought his hand up to her face. "She's so beautiful," he said as he traced her delicate features with the tip of his finger. As he did this, she caressed the back of his neck, weaving her delicate fingers into his silky ebony hair.

Without any warning, and much to Eric's surprise, Ariel hooked her arm around his neck and pulled him to her as she pressed her lips to his. The kiss began simply but then heated up as each poured all of their love, heart, and soul into it. When they finally did break, they both smiled, drawing in needed breaths. What she did next surprised him, but instantly warmed his heart. Ariel took her jewel encrusted wedding ring, then his and clicked them together by placing hers inside of his. He had the palace jeweler create them so that they would click together, and forever fit harmoniously. "One day, we will tell our child our story and humble beginning, and personally...I can't wait," Eric said. The duo then reunited with their four-legged companion just in time to watch the dolphins crest above the waves, as the sun began to set.

Chapter 9 will be up sooner than you think! (wink wink)

Until next time,

Peace, Love, and Happy Reading

~xoxo DisneySoul4996

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