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─── ・ 。゚* ⊱✿⊰ : * 。゚. ───



From afar, the boarding school is shrouded in snow, standing alone on the white horizon, solemn and romantic.

The yellow light from the windows of the building is reflected on the snow, which can easily give people the illusion of warmth.

But the sleepwalkers in the car know very well that this seemingly warm and romantic building is likely to be their grave.

After entering the big iron gate of the school, the bus slowed down to the parking space.

Chi Nan almost put his face on the windowpane. This was the first time he saw falling snow since he recovered his eyesight. His eyes wanted to remember every detail of the scene before him.

The school playground was very quiet, and there were no other traces on the thick snow except the wheel marks of their bus.

It's as if the overwhelming snow has wiped out all signs of life.

Wan Lai's solemn silence, the only place that makes people breathe a sigh of relief and finds it playful and interesting is the row of crooked little snowmen standing downstairs in the teaching.

Swinging past the car window, Chi Nan found that these snowmen were piled up very distinctive. They were tall and short, male and female. They were all fat and thin. The only thing they had in common was that they were all funny and made noses made of carrots. Longan nuclei made eyes, and a red scarf symbolizing school was neatly wrapped around his neck.

Chi Nan looked at the snowman, then lowered his head and touched the scarf hung around his neck. Finally, he glanced at the people in the car and made sure that all Dream Visitors had the same scarf.

After turning into the parking lot, the bus finally stopped, and the originally quiet car suddenly became noisy.

The driver, who had been silent, stopped the car and got up from the driver's seat, still holding a huge cardboard box in his hand.

"Dear students, welcome to Dawn City...boarding school. In the days to come, I believe you will have an unforgettable study and life time."

When the driver said the name of the school, he paused deliberately. Obviously, the program entered by the dreamer made him skip the school name.

"Excuse me, what is the name of our copy this time?"

The student in the front row who raised his hand to speak should be an old dream visitor. They all noticed that the place where the copy name should be displayed on their system interface was obscured by a thick mosaic. Only the word "school" was displayed. The name of the school that can be mosaicked on the admission notice is the same.

The driver smiled stiffly: "Sorry, I'm just a driver, no comment."

Everyone: "..."

Chi Nan had become accustomed to the weird accent unique to the nightmare world npc, but this was the first time I saw this situation in which he had entered the dungeon, but did not know the name of the dungeon.

The experienced dream visitors in the car also noticed this, and the few familiar with each other began to discuss in a low voice.

"Although the weather tonight is bad and the heavy snow shows no sign of stopping, don't worry, my classmates are fortunate. I just have a box of umbrellas in my car. You can divide it by one point. After getting off the car, you can walk through with your umbrella. Playground, enter the dormitory area of ​​the teaching building."

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