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HIGHWAY 404 (1)

Hearing is filled with the flexible rhythm of slow rocking music, gradually awakening Chi Nan from deep sleep.

Even if I did not open my eyes, I could still feel the warm sunlight jumping on my face, the air was filled with the original smell of dry dust, and it was mixed with a little industrial smell of leather and gasoline.

The body jolted abruptly, and Chi Nan and the dream visitors in the car woke up completely.

Because the sunlight was too violent, everyone subconsciously stretched out their hands to cover their eyes, slowly adapting to the sudden exposure to the bright light environment from their fingers.

Chi Nan blinked his eyes a few times and confirmed that he was sitting on the right side of the back row of a seven-seater off-road vehicle by the window. In addition to him, there were four people in the vehicle, namely the driver who was driving and a man sitting in the second row. One woman, two passengers, and a young woman sitting in the back row with him, leaning against the left window.

Chi Nan felt familiar with the back of a woman with a big wave hairstyle on the left side of the second row.

All the passengers just woke up and started to observe the environment of this nightmare while adapting to the bright light.

The off-road vehicle is running on the deserted road at a speed of 60-80km per hour. The sun is so hot that it hurts the skin. The driver sings and sings in a happy mood, as if on a road trip.

Seemingly aware of the awakening of the passengers, the driver whistled happily: "Welcome to the 404 road trip."

The big wave in the second row from the left stretched out a big lazy waist, she subconsciously touched her hand in her pocket, and found a lighter and a pack of cigarettes.

She kindly lit the cigarette and handed it to the driver: "This car is EM00404"

Before entering the copy, everyone received a photo of the license plate with "EM00404" written on it.

"Thank you," the driver bit the cigarette. "Yes, I am the driver of this car. I will be responsible for driving for you in the next 4000 kilometers. I hope you can enjoy this road journey full of surprises. "

The number in the npc mouth of the copy is often an important information reminder. Chi Nan wrote down the information point of 4000 kilometers.

The driver continued: "Because this journey is special and time is relatively short, we can't get off the car and walk around the road at will. We can get off the car only when we arrive at the rest service station."

The big wave spit out smoke: "What if I want to go to the bathroom? Can't I stop the car too?"

Driver: "Trust me, you don't have to worry about going to the bathroom."

The big wave raised his eyebrows: "Why?"

The driver smiled: "You will know when the time comes."

Chi Nan seized the key question: "How much time do we have?"

The driver glanced at him through the rearview mirror: "I can't say that's bad. The time on the road is naturally determined by our schedule and road conditions. Everything."

Big Wave: "Then why did you just say that time is pressing?"

The driver didn't intend to answer her question, so he whistled loudly and started humming again.

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