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─── ・ 。゚* ⊱✿⊰ : * 。゚. ───



Lao Yu immediately sounded the alarm in his heart, and he quickly sat up from the bed and walked to the door. Because it was too quiet, he could hear the faint footsteps in the corridor against the door panel.

Only one person's footsteps...

Yu is always fighting fiercely with himself in his heart, judging by his experience and intuition that if he is left alone, Xia Wei will definitely die now, but if he is strong, what is waiting for him outside the door is an unpredictable risk...

To save or not to save, everyone is in danger in the nightmare world, no matter what choice he makes, no one will blame him, everything is up to him.

While he was struggling to weigh, several exclamations came from the corridor.

It's Xia Wei's voice!

"Who are you... Don't, don't come, don't come near me--"

Lao Yu's motion of twisting the doorknob stopped, and he saw a stronger light from the gap in the door than before.

There was a jump in his heart, this was...the light of a human candle.

Under the control of the desire to survive, Lao Yu stopped his movements and dodged to avoid being touched by candlelight.

He thinks that the most sensible and correct way now is to silently pray for his unlucky roommate.

But just when he thought that Xia Wei was bound to die, there was a louder noise in the corridor. The door of next door 101 seemed to be pushed open, followed by the messy and swift footsteps. Xia Wei panicked and screamed still— —

"Turn it out, quickly put out the candle! I don't want to become a candle!"

"Stay away from me... I'm not sure you guys now..."

The light in the corridor gradually dimmed.

101 lives in Chi Nan and Ye Chang. If the door had been opened just now... I would always put my ear to the door again to listen to the movement in the corridor.

To be honest, Lao Yu was relieved to hear that Xia Wei could still speak, and it was not easy for him to live.

"Who the **** are you? Why just now..."

"We didn't want to hurt you, it should be my shadow that moved his hands and feet just now." It was Ye Chang's voice.

"It's you...no, not you...it seems like Chi Nan...the one who wants to make me a candle..." Xia Wei's voice became lower and lower, replaced by intermittent sobbing, "What, what's going on...My hand ...I don't feel it..."

Lao Yu confirmed that the light had disappeared from the crack of the door, and then opened the door with confidence: "What's the matter?"

He turned on the flashlight he carried with him, and the cold white light that was different from the candle illuminates the three people in the corridor. When he saw Xia Wei's current situation clearly, he always took a breath-

Xia Wei sat on the ground, trembling with his head against the wall, and his left hand resting on the ground was gone... to be precise, it became a piece of waxy yellow with red impurities in it...

Chi Nan and Ye Chang stood beside Xia Wei, feeling a little at a loss when facing the vigilant and hostile Xia Wei.

"What the **** is going on?" Lao Yu walked out of the dormitory after making sure that there was no risk, and checked Xia Wei's situation more closely.

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