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─── ・ 。゚* ⊱✿⊰ : * 。゚. ───


HIGHWAY 404 (11)

Chi Nan's eyes were still bloodshot: "Where are they?"

Too much crying always has unpleasant sequelae, such as sore eyes, such as uncontrollable sniffing.

Lu Baizhou panted and pointed to Classroom 106: "They were entangled in hide-and-seek kids..."

"Well," Chi Nan handed a water gun to Lu Baizhou, "Let me see, hold this one for self-defense. If the water runs out, you can fill it up in the fountain."

With that, Chi Nan ran to 106 where Pei Mo was.

Lu Baizhou held the water gun in a daze, and looked at Chi Nan's back inconceivably: "You are not afraid..."

Halfway through her words, a few hide-and-seek children walked towards Chi Nan from the aisle. They grinned open as usual, revealing sharp teeth with residual blood and pieces of meat, like broken zombies.

Lu Baizhou was so frightened that she was about to run away, but when she saw Chi Nan calmly picking up the water gun and squirting water at the children accurately, she was stunned.

What is this going to do? The orphanage said he played hide-and-seek... Why did this guy play a water fight? !

But the phenomenon that surprised her even more appeared. The children who were caught in the water suddenly burst into tears and fled, their positions instantly changed. The children suddenly changed from hunters to arrested, and Chi Nan seemed to be The player at the top of the food chain.

"Why, how could this be?"

Lu Baizhou muttered to himself in disbelief, and the hand holding the water gun used force unconsciously. At this moment, three or four children suddenly appeared at the entrance of the corridor. Lu Baizhou squirmed at them with a water gun like Chi Nan. Sure enough, the effect was the same. These children were so scared that they rushed upstairs to hide.

Lu Baizhou was stunned, and the trembling on her body stopped immediately. She carried the water gun and turned back to classroom 106.

When Chi Nan arrived at 106, shortly after Jiang Yu rushed out of the podium, she took a long knife and chopped off the little devil's head one by one.

But physical attacks were ineffective to these children, and they aroused their interest. They squatted down and picked up their fallen heads, held them high and put them together on the severed necks, turned around and discarded their faces with tears and tears. Pei Mo, surrounded by Jiang Yu as his new target.

Jiang Yu stepped back with a long knife in his hand. Just when she was forced to retreat into the corner of the wall, Chi Nan's water gun suddenly nodded.

"Chi Nan?! Why don't you hide..."

Before Jiang Yu's words finished, the children who were grinning and drooling suddenly screamed and screamed. She held the knife in a daze, "What are you...what?"

Chi Nan threw one of the water guns to Jiang Yu, and the other to Pei Mo: "You will be obedient if you soak them with water."

Two people: "...?" What kind of confusing behavior is this?

Although confused, the effect was remarkable. The two followed the example of Chi Nan holding up water guns and spraying them on the ghost children. The children fleeing the classroom unexpectedly encountered Lu Baizhou at the door. In panic, they chose to climb the wall and escape. .

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