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"The rules of the "Wooden Man" game are very simple. The students who participate in the game stand at the starting point, which is here." The female teacher stepped on the red line in the middle of the classroom with high heels and gestured, "After the game starts, I will stand with my eyes closed. At the end of the classroom, in front of the window, you try to move as fast as possible to the end as I close my eyes. "

"But pay attention, try not to make too much noise during the movement. When I turn my head and open my eyes, you must not move, make any sounds, or make any expressions like wooden people in my sight. It's completely static."

"Students who can't do it are regarded as a failed game. The other wooden people continue to play until I turn my head and close my eyes. You can continue to move," the female teacher said, twisting her neck khaki without moving her neck. One hundred and eighty degrees, "As long as there is a wooden man who successfully moves to the end, he can get the reminder of the school rules tonight."

Although the twisted neck of the female teacher made people shudder, the last rule gave everyone hope.

This "Wooden Man" game does not seem to be that difficult. From the point of view of the rules, as long as one person successfully reaches the finish line, it will pass smoothly. Receiving a reward means that everyone can know the answer to the taboo.

"I don't know if the students know the rules. Remember, no matter what happens in my line of sight, it must be absolutely prohibited."

Chi Nan asked: "Why does the starting point start in the middle of the classroom instead of where we stand now?"

According to customary thinking, the starting point is often at the entrance, so as to ensure that there is enough space for the game.

Female teacher: "As long as the classroom is spacious enough, it will be the same wherever you start."

Guo Xian: "The longer the distance, the more unfavorable to us. It is better to start from the middle."

Everyone thinks so too. This dance studio is about 30 meters long. The starting point is in the middle of the classroom, which means that the distance to the end is only half the distance, that is, only about 15 meters. This is a favorable condition for the "Wooden People", so they didn't think deeply. .

"If there is no problem, the students can start to group by themselves. Remember, there are at least four students in each group, and the end time of each game is determined by the failure time of the last student."

Guo Xian thought for a while and said: "In other words, the twelve of us can be divided into three groups to play games at most."

"Is it allowed for twelve people to directly join the rules?" one of the newcomers asked.

Guo Xian said: "Although the rules allow, the less groupings, the worse for us."

"Why? The success or failure of the game depends only on the individual final score, not the group elimination system, right? How many people should be in a group?"

As an old dream tourist, Guo Xian is more sensitive than the average person in this respect: "Of course there are differences. The more groups we have, the more opportunities we have for trial and error, and the more time we can prepare. Develop a plan for the special situation, and the winning rate will also be greatly improved."

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