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─── ・ 。゚* ⊱✿⊰ : * 。゚. ───


HIGHWAY 404 (21)

"Bai Zhou, run!" Xu Lantian who was trapped in his subconscious exclaimed.

It was a pity that it was too late. Suddenly, two people appeared like ghosts on the dark mirror. They were Doctor He and the female nurse.

Lu Baizhou's gaze overlapped with them through the mirror, and the doctors and nurses had standard smiles on their faces.

At the same time, two infrared beams shot at the corner of Lu Baizhou's lips, one left and the other left, leaving two red marks of the same depth and size!

The sound of 'Dididi' resounded like an air defense alarm over the entire town of Smile——

[All residents of the town, please be aware that there are unruly and rude dangerous elements from outside the town in Xiaoxiao Town. The specific location of the dangerous elements is being locked. All the residents of Xiaoxiao Town are required to make preparations for compulsory clearance of the dangerous elements.]

[The residents who catch the dangerous elements first will receive generous rewards]

[Please be sure to smile and treat others politely during the mandatory cleanup process...]

Realizing the danger, Lu Baizhou ran away, the doctors and nurses suddenly grinned scarletly like a broken zombie, and chased Lu Baizhou with a long scalpel!

Lu Baizhou ran wildly while looking up and down for his sunglasses, but found nothing.

When she was in a coma by the injection of anesthetics, the doctor and the nurse threw away her sunglasses. When she woke up, she was confused and could not remember the rules of the smile town. She unexpectedly collided with the sight of the doctor and nurse through the mirror and reached it by accident. The glorious "achievement" of three warnings, became a dangerous element forcibly cleaned up by the residents of the town.

Once caught, she will be sent to a special institution for lip and cheek cutting surgery! As long as you think about Lu Baizhou, your whole body is trembling with pain, not to mention the time delay due to forced cleaning. She and her teammates cannot leave Smile Town on time, so they must stay in this ghost place that suppresses people forever!

The body that had just escaped the control of the anesthetic didn't have much strength, Lu Baizhou's face was pale after running in the damp darkness for a few minutes, but this long corridor seemed to have no end, and the smell of disinfectant and blood followed him.

Lu Baizhou felt like her ankle was strapped to a sandbag, and she was getting heavier as she ran. Her chest was suffocated and she could barely breathe. She also didn't know whether it was because of exhaustion or fear and trembling.

"Bai Zhou, don't panic, I'm here to accompany you."

Xu Lantian's calm voice came from the depths of his subconsciousness, as if he just woke up, it was gentle and hoarse, but it had the powerful power to give way to Baizhou's calmness. "There are many empty houses on the third underground floor. Let's get rid of it first. Doctors and nurses, find a place to hide, and then find a way to escape, teammates will definitely try to pick us up."

Lu Baizhou gritted her teeth to calm herself down. Under Xu Lantian's reminder, she rushed to the corner and quickly avoided the doctors and nurses' sights.

Countless abandoned empty houses appeared on the endless walkway. Lu Baizhou quickly made a judgment. First, he closed a nearby door as an interference item. Before the doctors and nurses arrived, he stepped into the closed room and hid behind the door. He pressed his mouth tightly so that he would not gasp, but his heartbeat couldn't stop.

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