Piotr -/- escape

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Piotr was tired of being used as a pawn in Magneto's schemes. He had joined the X-Men to help mutants, not to become a weapon in a never-ending war. So when he found an opportunity to escape, he took it.

He was sneaking through the maze of tunnels under the X-Mansion, hoping to reach the surface and disappear into the world, when he heard footsteps behind him. He tensed, ready to fight, but then a voice reached him, soft and familiar.

"Piotr, it's me. (Y/N)," the voice said.

Piotr relaxed and turned to face (Y/N), a fellow mutant and member of the X-Men. They had been friends for a while, ever since they had been assigned to the same training squad. (Y/N) was smart, funny, and always willing to lend an ear. Piotr valued their friendship, but he never thought of (Y/N) as anything more.

Until now.

(Y/N) was looking at him with concern in their eyes, as if they knew what was going on in his head. Piotr felt his heart skip a beat, and he knew he was in trouble. He didn't want to drag (Y/N) into his mess, but he couldn't leave them behind either.

"What are you doing here?" Piotr asked.

"I couldn't let you go alone," (Y/N) said, as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

Piotr felt a surge of gratitude and something else, something he couldn't name. He reached for (Y/N)'s hand and squeezed it, grateful for their presence.

"Thank you," he said.

(Y/N) smiled, and Piotr's heart skipped another beat. He felt a pull towards (Y/N), as if they were magnets. He tried to ignore it, but it was becoming harder by the minute.

They continued through the tunnels, careful not to make any noise. They reached the surface, and Piotr led the way, using his powers to navigate through the wilderness. He felt (Y/N) following him, their presence a comfort in the dark.

They reached a small cabin, where Piotr had stored some supplies. He made a fire and settled down, grateful for the warmth. He watched as (Y/N) settled down next to him, their eyes meeting in the flickering light.

And then, suddenly, they were kissing. Piotr felt as if he had been waiting for this moment forever, as if all the pieces had finally fallen into place. He wrapped his arms around (Y/N), pulling them closer, feeling their lips on his.

They broke apart, gasping for air, and then they were kissing again, their hands roaming each other's bodies. Piotr felt as if he was home, as if he had finally found where he belonged.

He lost track of time, and when they finally broke apart, they were both panting, their eyes shining.

"What happens now?" (Y/N) asked.

"I don't know," Piotr said, feeling a weight on his chest. "I don't want to involve you in this mess. I don't want to put you in danger."

"You're not alone," (Y/N) said, their eyes steady. "We'll figure this out together."

Piotr felt a surge of gratitude and love for (Y/N), for

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