Eddie Brock -/- third wheel

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Eddie Brock and his boyfriend, Y/N, had been planning their date night for weeks. They had decided to go to a fancy restaurant in the heart of San Francisco, and Eddie was looking forward to a romantic evening with his love.

As they arrived at the restaurant, Eddie couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He wanted everything to go perfectly, and he hoped that Venom wouldn't ruin their night.

Y/N noticed Eddie's nervousness and took his hand. "Don't worry, Eddie. Everything will be fine. We're here to enjoy each other's company and have a good time."

Eddie smiled and squeezed Y/N's hand. "You're right. Let's just have fun."

As they walked into the restaurant, Eddie felt a strange sensation in his chest. Venom was starting to stir, and he could feel his symbiote's annoyance.

"What's wrong, Eddie?" Y/N asked, noticing the change in his demeanor.

"It's Venom," Eddie said, rubbing his chest. "He's getting restless."

Y/N frowned. "Can't you control him?"

"I try, but sometimes he has a mind of his own," Eddie said, sighing. "I hope he doesn't ruin our date."

As they sat down at their table, Eddie could feel Venom getting more and more agitated. He kept fidgeting in his seat, and Y/N could tell something was up.

"What's going on, Eddie?" Y/N asked, concerned.

"It's Venom," Eddie said, looking around nervously. "He's getting antsy. I don't know what's going to happen."

Just then, the waiter arrived to take their order. Eddie tried to focus on the menu, but Venom kept interrupting his thoughts.

"Excuse me," Venom said, using Eddie's voice. "We'll have the steak, medium-rare, and a bottle of your finest red wine."

Eddie was mortified. "I'm so sorry," he said, looking at Y/N. "He just does things like this sometimes."

Y/N tried to keep a straight face. "It's okay, Eddie. I know you're not the one doing it."

As the night went on, Venom became more and more annoying. He kept making snide comments about the other diners and the food, and Eddie was struggling to keep him under control.

"Eddie, are you okay?" Y/N asked, noticing the sweat on his forehead.

"It's Venom," Eddie said, gritting his teeth. "He won't shut up."

Y/N took Eddie's hand. "Let's go for a walk outside. Maybe some fresh air will help."

As they walked outside, Eddie felt a little calmer. Y/N was always able to soothe him, and he was grateful to have him by his side.

"I'm sorry about Venom," Eddie said, looking at Y/N. "He can be a real pain sometimes."

"It's okay, Eddie. I love you, no matter what," Y/N said, wrapping his arms around Eddie.

Eddie leaned into the embrace, feeling grateful for Y/N's love and support. He knew that Venom could be annoying, but he also knew that he couldn't live without him.

As they walked back into the restaurant, Eddie felt a renewed sense of confidence. He knew that Venom might still cause trouble, but he was determined to enjoy the rest of his date with Y/N.

And as they sat down to enjoy their meal, Eddie felt grateful for the love of his life, and the love of his symbiote. Together, they could overcome anything.

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