Steve Rogers -/- highschool

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Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America, had always been a man of the people. Even after his success as a superhero, he never forgot where he came from. So when he found himself in his hometown one day, he decided to visit his old high school.

As he walked the halls, memories flooded back to him. He remembered his old classmates, the teachers who had inspired him, and the moments that had shaped him into the man he was today. But as he was lost in thought, he suddenly bumped into someone.

"Sorry about that," Steve said, turning to face the person he had collided with.

"It's alright," the person replied. Steve realized that it was a man, a teacher at the school.

"I'm Y/N," the man introduced himself, holding out his hand.

"Steve," Steve replied, shaking Y/N's hand. "I'm just visiting. It's been a while since I've been back here."

Y/N nodded, smiling. "I'm a teacher here. I actually have to get to my next class. Do you mind walking with me?"

Steve agreed and the two men walked together, chatting as they went. They spoke about the changes that had happened at the school, the challenges of teaching, and their own personal experiences.

As they reached Y/N's classroom, Steve realized that he was reluctant to say goodbye. He had enjoyed their conversation, and he found Y/N to be kind and engaging. So he asked if Y/N wanted to hang out after school.

To his surprise, Y/N agreed. They spent the rest of the day together, exploring the town, visiting old haunts, and talking about everything under the sun. As the hours passed, Steve realized that he was starting to fall for Y/N.

He couldn't believe it at first; he had never been attracted to a man before. But something about Y/N's intelligence and compassion drew him in. He found himself wanting to spend more time with Y/N, to get to know him better.

As the day came to a close, Steve realized that he didn't want to leave Y/N's side. He wanted to keep talking, keep exploring, keep falling for this amazing man. And to his surprise, Y/N seemed to feel the same way.

They exchanged phone numbers and made plans to meet up again soon. As Steve walked away from Y/N, he felt a sense of hope that he hadn't felt in a long time. He wasn't sure where things would go with Y/N, but he knew that he was grateful for the connection they had made.

Steve left his old high school that day with a renewed sense of purpose. He knew that he couldn't predict the future, but he felt like he had found something special with Y/N. He was excited to see where things would go between them and felt grateful for the unexpected turn of events.

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