gambit -/- games

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Gambit and his boyfriend, y/n, were sitting in the living room of the X-Mansion, engrossed in a heated game of Pokemon. They had been playing for hours, battling each other with their carefully curated teams of powerful monsters.

Gambit was known for his love of strategy games, and Pokemon was no exception. He had put together a team of Pokemon that focused on psychic abilities, using their powerful mental powers to defeat his opponents.

Y/n, on the other hand, had a more balanced team, with a mix of fire, water, and electric types. He was putting up a good fight, but Gambit's psychic Pokemon were proving to be too much for him to handle.

As they battled, they chatted and joked, enjoying each other's company. They had been dating for several months now, and they had quickly become inseparable. Playing Pokemon together was just one of the many things they enjoyed doing as a couple.

After several intense battles, they decided to take a break and grab some snacks from the kitchen. They sat at the table, munching on chips and dip, and talking about their favorite Pokemon memories.

"I remember when I was a kid, and I caught my first Charizard," y/n said, a nostalgic smile on his face. "It was one of the best moments of my life."

Gambit chuckled. "I remember when I was a kid, and I caught my first Abra. I was so excited, but then it teleported away before I could even battle with it."

Y/n laughed. "Yeah, Abra can be tricky. But your psychic team is pretty impressive, Gambit. You've got some serious powerhouses on there."

Gambit grinned. "Thanks, cher. I've always had a soft spot for psychic Pokemon. They're just so powerful."

They finished their snacks and returned to the game, determined to finish what they had started. The battles continued, each one more intense than the last.

But eventually, they both began to grow tired. They had been playing for hours, and their eyes were starting to droop.

Gambit looked at y/n and grinned. "I think it's time to call it a night, mon amour. My brain can't handle any more psychic battles."

Y/n nodded, his own exhaustion apparent. "Yeah, I think you're right. Let's wrap this up."

They finished their final battle, with Gambit's psychic Pokemon emerging victorious once again. They both chuckled, congratulating each other on a game well played.

As they turned off the game console and settled in for the night, Gambit couldn't help but feel grateful for y/n's presence in his life. Playing Pokemon together might seem silly to some, but to Gambit, it was just one of the many ways they showed their love for each other. And he wouldn't have it any other way.

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