Tony stark -/- dumblove

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Hi Damian here I just wanna say thank you for reading this book we've reached 200 +reads here yay!!! Anyways I just wanna say I'm trying an Idea of mine where I pick a verse from a song and write something from it and here's my trial run hope you like it and leave your thoughts in the comments

Written by: Conan gray

Y/N sat alone in his apartment, surrounded by the remnants of his failed relationship with Tony. The 15 dozen roses that Tony had given him as a sorry lay scattered across the floor, their once vibrant petals now wilting and brown. Y/N sighed heavily, wishing he could turn back the clock and make different choices.

"I should have known it was dumblove," he muttered to himself, as he picked up one of the wilted roses and tossed it into the trash. "I mean, Tony was always so smooth, so charming. How could I not fall for him?"

Y/N couldn't help but think of all the things Tony had done for him that had gone unnoticed. The times he had shown up unexpectedly with Y/N's favorite takeout, or surprised him with concert tickets for his favorite band. Tony had always been thoughtful and attentive, but Y/N had been blinded by his infatuation.

"I guess I just wanted to believe that he felt the same way I did," Y/N mused, as he picked up another rose and examined it closely. "But I was just another hookup to him. A fling. And now he's moved on to someone else, leaving me here to pick up the pieces."

Y/N felt a pang of regret and sadness as he thought of all the times he had chosen Tony over his best friends. He had cancelled plans and blown off important events just to be with Tony, never realizing that he was sacrificing meaningful relationships for something that was ultimately meaningless.

"I was such an idiot," Y/N muttered, as he threw the rose into the trash with more force than was necessary. "I should have seen it coming. I should have known better."

But what could he do now? Tony had made it clear that their relationship was nothing, and that there was no chance of reconciliation. Y/N was left with nothing but regrets and a broken heart.

As he sat there in his apartment, surrounded by the remnants of his failed relationship, Y/N realized that he had a choice to make. He could either wallow in self-pity and regret, or he could pick himself up and move on.

And so, with a deep breath, Y/N stood up and gathered the wilted roses in his arms. He carried them out to the trash, tossing them in with a sense of finality. It was time to let go of the past and focus on the future.

As he walked back into his apartment, Y/N made a vow to himself. He would never again let someone else define his worth or dictate his choices. He would be true to himself and to those who mattered most to him.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Y/N set about making plans to reconnect with his old friends and pursue his own passions. And as he did so, he felt a sense of freedom and lightness that he had not experienced in a long time.

It was a painful lesson to learn, but Y/N knew that he was stronger for it. He was ready to embrace the future, with all its uncertainties and possibilities. And he knew that he would never again let dumblove blind him to the things that truly mattered.

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