𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 5

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Y/N woke up in her room with a massive headache. The last thing she remembered was being in a creepily dimmed basement. She checked her arm and it had a massive cut with stitches. She got up and went to the living room. 

She saw her dad fuming with anger and slapped her across the face. "I DIDN'T RAISE YOU TO BE LIKE THIS Y/N. YOU EMBARRASSED ME AND MY NAME. YOU'RE SUCH A FUCKING DISAPPOINTMENT." Y/N's dad said while he pulled on her hair and shouted in her ear. He let go of her and pushed her to the ground. 

He continued to verbally abuse her and make her feel like a failure. "You have another mission tomorrow. Don't fail me this time Y/N... You know your consequences" Y/N's father said. "Yes, appa.." Y/N said in between her sobs. Y/N went back to her room to wash off her tears. All she could think about was what her father said. The more she recalled it, the more it hurt. 

After cleaning up her wounds, she got ready and went to the cafe nearby. She wanted to distract herself from the big responsibilities she had. She ate her breakfast and hung out with Yunjin at the park. When she went back home, She didn't talk to her dad at all. She was embarrassed to talk to her entire family, except for Taehyun. He was always somebody she could talk to. Y/N talked about what happened and tears started to roll down her face. Taehyun comforted her and let her sleep on his bed because she felt safe in his room (He slept on his couch and let her have his bed all to herself).

The next day, Y/N and Taehyun were watching Netflix and eating popcorn in broad daylight. Then Y/N checked her phone and Yeonjun texted. "meet me at the pier at 7 pm tonight." She red Yeonjun's text, but then she thought about the mission. She didn't know what to prioritize, Yeonjun or another stupid mission her father gave. Y/N chose to rebel against her father and chose Yeonjun. "Ok! see u there" She texted back to him. Taehyun saw her texting and snatched the phone from her. 

Taehyun gave her a suspicious look and said "MY LITTLE SISTER IS GOING ON A DATEEEE?". Y/N chased Taehyun around the room trying to get her phone back. She grabbed his leg making him trip then she quickly snatched her phone back from him. "Impressive for an injured person," Taehyun said while he clapped sarcastically. They hung out in his room for the next 4 hours. It was nearing 7 pm so she went back to her room and got ready.

She wore a comfy black sweatshirt with a white skirt, she put her hair up in a messy bun and left the house. She saw her dad coming out of his car so she quickly ran to the bushes and crawled to the gate secretly. She rode a taxi to the pier. 

Y/N reached the pier and got out of the taxi. She saw Yeonjun looking at the lake so she went beside him. "How's your arm?" Yeonjun said as he made eye contact with her and checked on her arm. "H-how did you know?" Y/N asked. "I was the one who found you in the basement," Yeonjun said while looking back at the lake. "Thanks.." Y/N said while she looked down and shifted her body towards Yeonjun. Yeonjun lifted her face and made eye contact with her. 

"No problem" He said while plastering a caring smile on his face which made Y/N's heart flutter. Her heart beat faster as she laid her eyes on each feature he had on his face. It was unusual seeing this as he was portrayed to be cold and violent on the mafia news outlets she read, and he's smiling like a little kid. She quickly snapped out of it and looked away. "So why did you ask me to come here?" Y/N asked. "Nothing just wanted to hang out" Yeonjun said as he sighed. Y/N's stomach started to make noises. Yeonjun chuckled and offered to eat at the restaurant beside the pier, Y/N agreed. 

They entered the restaurant and the waitress led them to their table. Yeonjun pulled a chair out for Y/N. "strange" Y/N said while furrowing her eyebrows and tilting her head. Yeonjun was being unusually nice, He wasn't cold as other people saw him be, And he was-- really caring and sweet. "What's wrong with you?" Y/N asked out of curiosity. "Did I do something wrong?" Yeonjun replied. "No, you're just- strangely nice," Y/N said. "I can't be nice to my future wife?" Yeonjun said as he tilted his head like a confused puppy. 

"I mean it's not like you have to pretend to like me just because of the contract.." Y/N said while shoving 2 fries in her mouth. They ate their dinner and Yeonjun drove back to Y/N's house because it was getting late. They arrived at the Kang's Mansion and Yeonjun walked Y/N to their front door. "Soo I'll see you tomorrow?" Yeonjun said as he faced Y/N. "Mhm!" Y/N said with a smile on her face. "Oh! I forgot to give you something" Yeonjun said as he reached in his bag. He pulled out a beautiful diamond ring and slid it on her ring finger. "Goodnight, Y/N.." Yeonjun said. Y/N entered and the house was dark so she quickly went up to her room so her family won't wake up. 

𝐆𝐮𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬 || 𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜Where stories live. Discover now