Chapter 6

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Perspective from the Ninja

"So what now?" Jay asked, turning to them all. Cole shrugged, the master of earth wasn't in the best of moods, he was missing his husband and kids. 

"It would seem that you must follow your own path. You need to focus and feel your element. Let them guide you" Sensei Wu's wise words hit them all including Maddie who still struggled to work out her own powers. 

Jay only complained inwardly as all ninja including Maddie created a circle and thought about their elements. 

Kai struggled to find his, but only one out of the six of them had to find theirs and then it would be like dominos. 

Out of them all, Nya found hers first and with a quick goodbye she took off into the jungle. It was written that they would all eventually make it to the 'Elements of Light' which was a temple. There they would find their element centres. Gale had explained it separately to Maddie who had to find a separate room. At the same time, she discovered hers as did Lloyd. So the two went together knowing they had to look after each other otherwise Shade would have their heads. 

Soon Cole and Jay had left, leaving Kai on his own. The master of fire on his own. Wu remained beside him while Misako and Garmadon set up camp ready for the ninja's return. 

"Focus Kai, search deep and you will find it" Listening to his sensei, Kai came up blank. He sighed, taking a seat against a nearby tree to hopefully try and find his centre. All he could vividly see was Zane going down in front of him, his brother falling to the ground. The master of fire struggled to even create a small flame but when he saw a blue flame, he soon knew his way. With a simple wave he was gone leaving behind three worried teachers. 

A few hours passed before the first to come back was Nya, she was in her full ninja gi with an added dragon symbol on the back. She smiled, taking a seat until it was her time. She was not to share her journey until it was needed. Soon a blue portal opened and she landed in the storm kingdom.


"That's as much as I can tell you. I'm under instructions not to share my journey with anyone" Nya explained, Morro could only nod as Jay, Maddie and Lloyd described something similar. 

"Did you find your elements though?" Cryptor asked, taking a seat beside the conflicted master of wind. "Yes, mine is back in working order as is Jays and Lloyds. However, Maddie struggled with hers but she found it eventually" Maddie could only nod from where she was still in her father's arms. 

Morro could only sigh, at least four of them had returned plus the three annoying teachers.

"Okay, under no circumstances does anyone leave this palace. We shall wait until Cole and Kai return before we take action" Morro commanded in a darker tone, "Kane should return in a week's time hopefully the other two return by then" Gale explained for his older brother who was trying not to lose it. 

Four days passed before Kai returned. The master of fire looked more miserable, his element refused to work. He had been guided back to the Storm Realm to find his elemental buddy. He had no clue what that meant but when he stepped through the portal he never expected to come across four ninja talking to one another in the lounge. One of them being his opposite.

"Zane?" Kai uttered in disbelief as he fell to his knees only to be caught by the ice master. Zane kneeled in front of his brother and pulled him into a warm chest. For once, Zane was warm while Kai felt ice cold. The two clung to one another while a bad tempered Morro watched with gritted teeth. Zane was on nasal oxygen for a few days and the master of wind was keeping a strict eye on his son since Zane seemed to pale to the point he looked ready to collapse. Everyone was on Zane watch and the storm king didn't mind.

A Home Lost To Fire and Ice (Cole x Zane) - Book 2  - Complete! Where stories live. Discover now