Chapter 18

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The Storm Realm had indeed changed, it was shown by the stormy clouds above, showing the name. The group arrived in none other than a kingdom, but from the flags it seemed the Storm and Earth Kingdom had combined. A sacrifice had been made, Morro frowned looking over the cliff to see where the Creta Kingdom would be, it was gone. The water sat calmly but below, the bubbles showed the waters were not safe. In time they would be but it needed time to heal. Aaron looked sad at the bay of fisher which seemed to be more crystallised and pure than ever before. It seemed not only erasing the Creta Kingdom to save the Storm Realm meant some of its history stayed but not the best parts.

The storm palace was exactly the same build with the exception that parts of it had earth features. Cole was in shock seeing the kingdom had become one, all the houses were more storm proof. The walls surrounding the palace were still there but not as high as before. Nature had gladly taken over some of the buildings. Trees and flower beds were a part of the palace and village. It was one could call mesmerising. Everything looked storm proof. 

The fire kingdom had combined with a water symbol meaning the smith siblings were destined to rule it and it was closer to the storm-earth kingdom. Kai could only smile seeing that he knew who was ruling that from Nya's and Jay's look. Kai knew he wasn't destined to do any of that as he enjoyed being Zane's personal guard. His brother, which reminded him. Kai walked over to Zane who was admiring the palace and he wrapped him up in a hug. Cole watched with a smile.

A portal opened to the side of them, revealing to be Gale and the kids as well as forgotten family members. By the path to the Ocean stood Caspian Fisher holding a baby in his arms. Shade was in shock seeing Neuro's dead father. The family were quick to make their way down to him.

"Take care of him, Neuro didn't only sacrifice the kingdom. He sacrificed his power for his son. Tell him we love him" Caspian whispered, passing over the baby. Shade instantly knew it was Soren as he wailed for comfort. Ash was in shock so was Maddie who looked oddly confused to what her grandfather meant as he disappeared with the light. Aaron bowed his head as the sea claimed his grandfather. 

Two individuals appeared in the light, one was Dane who wrapped Aaron up. He clung to his aunt who hugged him until a hand made him turn to face his mother. Carol Fisher held her son close to her. Aaron allowed a few tears to slip down his face as he clung to his mother. 

"Shh, we are here and we aren't leaving" Carol murmured holding him close while Dane blocked the two daring anyone to judge. 

"Where's Daddy?" Sapphire toddled over to them, Dane could only kneel down to face her grand niece. 

"I'm sorry Sapphire, we don't know where your daddy is" Dane spoke softly only for Sapphire to shake her head and glare at her. Shade instantly took notice of his daughter, he passed the sleeping Soren to Ash who held him while Casey was reunited with Hope. 

"No! Daddy is here!" Sapphire pointed at her chest. 

"Sap?" Shade kneeled down in front of his daughter, watching the way Sapphire's eyes glowed purple. He understood calling on his death powers, his own flickered purple. Sapphire could only cry, she launched herself at Shade who held her close feeling the same loss. 

"Father, what's going on?" Maddie asked, as she and Ash kneeled down beside the two. Soren whimpered, Maddie frowned holding her brother close. 

"I think…I think…your grandfather meant…" Shade looked up at Neuro's sisters who nodded. 

"What?" Ash questioned wrapping an arm around Maddie who snuggled close. 

"Your dad sacrificed himself for you all" Dane spoke through tears. 

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