Chapter 9

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(Celestial Language - Bold)

Shade watched on with worry but he knew one thing Kane and Neuro needed to speak about something that didn’t concern any of them. 

“What do you think they are discussing?” Jay turned to Nya who could shrug.

“Our deaths?” Dareth said with a smile earning himself several looks. 

“Probably something to do with the Storm Realm or Ninjago, you would think the two were ninja’s with their secrets” Morro muttered, Cryptor could only nod in agreement while Gale frowned from beside his brothers. “What’s with the frown?” Saffron turned to the youngest Storm brother, “Nothing, I just think you should all be a bit more open-minded, last I checked Kane and Neuro are the only ones able to return to the Storm Realm, effectively risking their lives to provide updates. Also, they are the only ones able to help us in possible future situations. For instance, none of you have had full trust in Neuro ever since he admitted he was a siren. For all I know, you're compromised as much as he is” Gale said, moving across the room to grab a drink from the fully stocked free vending machine.

Morro, Cryptor and Saffron shared a ‘look’ since when had Gale got so good at reading people. Morro went to say something when the doors to the warehouse opened revealing Ash, he had a very frantic expression on his face. 

“Ash! What is it?” Shade spoke loudly alerting two celestial’s to a new problem. 

“Skylor, Cameron, Casey and Hope disappeared in a blue light and this appeared” Ash said, he passed over the scroll, Lloyd took it only to groan. It was in a foreign language. Morro took it intending on reading it only to frown, even though he couldn't read it. 


Shade turned to see Sapphire backing away from the scroll with a look of fear in her eyes. Shade moved on the double intending on picking up his youngest when Sapphire let out a scream as the scroll started to float towards her, Morro tried to grab it only for it to turn into a figure. A door to the side of the room opened revealing Kane and Neuro who moved on the double, moving their bodies in the way of Sapphire's; the young girl clung to Neuro’s legs. 

“Are you the two celestials?” 

“We are” Kane spoke up in the language everyone could understand. 

“Good, tell the mortals to turn away from us” 

“And if I don’t” 

“You will lose not only the small siren but the four held captive in my grasp” 

Kane could only nod, he turned to the rest of the room and looked at Neuro who smiled, without warning Kane whistled and the next thing everyone in the room knew. Their vision had been forcibly taken from them all as had their voices. 

“Done, they can’t see or speak for the next few minutes” Kane grimaced, his throat on fire. 

“Good, I have a message that you two must get but first” 

Neuro let out a scream of pain as two bracelets appeared on his wrists sending electricity through his already pained body. The figure was testing the devil’s powers and those connected to the celestials, they were looking for the key. 

“Stop it!” 

“No! Devil be quiet before I take out the child” 

Kane could only gulp, he nodded looking at Neuro with pure sympathy. 

Hearing the screams of his partner, Shade couldn’t take it anymore. A forbidden power like none other broke through his control, his eyes flickered into a purple colour. He had fully bonded with his partner so it was only fair his dark side came out. Cryptor and Saffron felt the air shift in the room as they communicated over their bond with their son in desperate attempts to warn him. Shade glared at the figure who purely electrocuted his soulmate. 

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