03) Wanted

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(The image in the chapter is a representation of what Hannah would look like)

When I opened my eyes the next day, the first thing I saw was darkness. Is it still night? Did I sleep somewhere else that I don't remember? Am I still in that safe zone? Maybe I'm not fully awake yet. I don't know how long I slept, but I have to get up to see if it's morning.

The moment I went to get out of bed, I realized I was tied up. There were chains on my arms and legs and I began to panic as I realized that I really am somewhere else. Was I kidnapped while I was sleeping? Did the mysterious person appear and take me to this place? What place is this?

As these questions echoed in my head, some lights came on in the corners of that dark room and I looked around to see if anyone was there. There were also UV lights above me that suddenly came on. I felt like I was lying on some kind of stretcher and that place made me feel the same cold sensation that I felt when I was in the GRE lab.

Up front there were some people that I couldn't identify who they were since they were wearing masks. But they were also wearing white coats so I assumed they were scientists or doctors. Did I go back to the lab and I don't remember how? Was I in the GRE lab all this time and hallucinated for all these ten years? There's a lot of stuff in my past that I can't quite remember, so that's a possibility. I'm not surprised if I'm freaking out.

Hannah: - Hey! Where am I? What place is this? Get me out of here!

The people in white coats approached me with a kind of syringe in their hands and injected me with it. The strangest thing is that I could almost remember who they are, but my memory failed when I tried to force it. I definitely couldn't place who they were and I was getting more scared with each passing second.

Hannah: - What is that you injected in me?! Why am I tied up?! Hey! I'm talking to you guys!

Then a female scientist looked at me and pointed a small, strange object at me. It was like she was taking my temperature. After that, she checked information on the object's panel and looked back at me.

???: - Don't worry, Hannah. You'll soon turn into the monster you were always meant to be. We still need a little more time for your experiment to be completed, so you won't be able to escape what scares you yet.

Hannah: - What? What are you talking about? Who are you guys?

???: - While this is happening, I have a question for you. Can you tell me what your biggest nightmare is?

Then all the scientists stopped what they were doing and looked at me in silence. I was so scared that I couldn't even answer what the woman asked me.

Suddenly, the scientists stopped acting like humans and started shaking as if they were having a seizure. When I least expected it, they turned into virals and ran towards me screaming wildly. I had one of the biggest scares of my entire life and I got desperate when I found out that I wouldn't be able to defend myself since I was tied up.

When they approached to attack me, my eyesight went black and I finally woke up in the bed of that safe zone. It was all a goddamn dream. An almost real dream.

Sunlight streamed through the window blinds and birds chirped outside. After a yawn, I got up from that bed and did a quick stretch. As I put on my shoes, I went to the window and opened it. Daylight hit my eyes hard and I instantly regretted doing it.

Hannah: - Ugh... Bad idea. Guess I should have waited a little longer.

Then I grabbed my things from the nightstand and left the room. As I went down the stairs, I noticed that the smell of the place where the Tyrant Volatile was born wasn't so stinky anymore. Now I could pass without having to hold my nose.

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