18) Exploring Celestial

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As soon as I left the building, I went to the gate that leads out of the safe zone and put my hands on it to open it. However, before I even moved it, I heard a voice calling my name and I turned around to see who it was.

Harper: - Hannah. Wait a minute. Before you leave, I have something for you.

Then Harper grabbed something from a backpack on a chair and handed it to me. They were homemade knives that looked like kunais, my favorite model, and were of great quality. Good to know Harper told the truth when he said he's the best blacksmith here.

Harper: - I made you some throwing knives. I know you didn't ask, but take it. I thought you might need it.

Hannah: - Are those kunai knives? They're my favorite model. You're really trying hard to repay me, huh?

Harper: - Like I said, it's the least I can do. Not just because I need to, but because I want to.

Hannah: - Alright. - I said while grabbing the knives. - That will help me out. Thank you.

Harper: - Keep this too. These are materials to make elementary throwing knives. Flammable, explosive, freezing, sharp and even electrical, whatever you want. I don't know which one you like best, but you probably know how to make them yourself, so I left that job to you. Make good use of it.

Hannah: - Great. That will help me a lot too. Thanks for your kindness, Harper.

Harper: - Any luck with that GRE material you were going to bring me?

Hannah: - Not yet, but I know a perfect place to look for. I just need to figure out how to turn off neon rings on buildings.

Harper: - Oh, so you're going to try to climb one of the skyscrapers. Now it's getting interesting.

Hannah: - Someone here has to do that, right?

Harper: - You know, no one here could do that even if those rings weren't there. But I had hope that one day someone brave enough would show up. If there was a bet going on at this shelter, I would bet all my money on you. You're braver than most of the guys here. And you do more than you talk. I like people like that.

Hannah: - When something needs to be done and no one is willing, I do it myself. I saw a quote in a book a long time ago that said "If you want something done right, do it yourself." This shaped part of who I am today.

Harper: - Wise words. You have a perceptive mind, girl. No wonder the mission you planned was successful.

Hannah: - We all have to be good at something, right? I still have a lot to learn, but I don't deny that I know a lot. Admitting that you know also shows modesty if you think about it.

Harper: - In some way, yes. It's a good way to think.

Then I kept the throwing knives and elementary knife materials. After that, I looked at the gate and remembered what I was going to do.

Hannah: - Anyway. I have to go now. I'm going to explore outside and see what I can find. A tourist isn't a tourist if they don't want to know the city, right?

Harper: - Indeed. The city is dangerous, but it's also very beautiful. Have fun out there. And come back alive.

Hannah: - I'm on it. See you later, Harper.

Harper: - Good luck, Hannah.

Taking a deep breath, I went towards the exit gate and Harper motioned ordering the men that were there to open it for me. When I went out of the shelter, they closed the gate and I walked to the street.

Outside, the sun was strong and the wind was still very fresh. It was just two o'clock in the afternoon and I had so much to do that I didn't even know where to start. It seemed like there was something drawing my attention wherever I looked.

Dying Light - Simulata Exitium (English)Where stories live. Discover now