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The sky was dark, thunder rumbled in the distance, and giant metal monsters that were 20 feet tall littered the battlefield. Giant robots lay across the battlefield, missing limbs, entire halves of their body, or burnt to a crisp. Music played in the background, similar to that of a film, but what was shown in the distance, told the opposite. More of the titans battled in the environment across an open field, littered with buildings, and machines that served different purposes. On one side, high above the other titans below, one titan flew across the sky at Mach 1 and 2, using their plasma railgun and rockets to attack their enemies while also playing music to uplift their morale and keep them fighting. The titan's chassis was heavily damaged, bright orange smoke belching from the four exhaust ports on its back. There were small and large bullet holes on the chassis, scorch marks adorning it as well. In the cockpit, sat a girl with purple hair and black eyes, her teeth grit and face covered in sweat and blood as she looked forward, part of her helmet blown off, revealing the left side of her face, her left ear blown off. She could see the outside world mostly, but on the bottom left of the cockpit screen was a large hole, presumably from something penetrating the chassis and narrowly hitting the girl. The speed was starting to get to her, she trained to be at a constant Mach 1, not Mach 2. She blacked in and out of consciousness now and then, but it was beginning to become too much.

???Hey guys... I'm feeling a little dizzy... I'm starting to black out.

???: No, no, no, no! Jirou, Jirou sta-!

Jirou cut the radio connection by pulling it off the side of her helmet and dropping it to the floor.


Jirou: Transferring controls to you, Siren... Land us somewhere safe.

Siren was the girl's titan, one who quickly responded.

Siren: Pilot, landing safely is not possible, I suggest ejecting.

Jirou: Even if I wanted to I can't...

Looking down, the girl looked at the black and yellow ejector handle which another previous round had shredded, and at her leg which had been severed by the same round that had hit the ejector handle.

Jirou: The ejector handle is broken... And I'm missing one of my legs.

Siren: You will die from the shock.

Jirou nodded.

Jirou: Yeah... Yeah, I will.

Siren: I will try my best to negate the crash damage.

Jirou: Thank you, Siren...

Siren took control and started to steer herself toward a heavily wooded area, slowing down gradually to not give her pilot whiplash.

Siren: Pilot..?

Jirou: Yes, Siren?

Siren: I'm... I'm scared...

Jirou: Don't be scared, Siren. We've got each other...

She smiled and looked forward at the trees that started to grow closer and closer almost at a faster pace despite Siren trying to decrease their speed,


???: Jirou? Siren? Can you hear me-?

In the background, there was a loud boom, a small cloud of fire erupting over a small hill where the woods were, the music which was once loud and quickly grew distant, now gone entirely...

???: She's gone, Momo... We need to push forward and support Izuku and BT.

Momo: Understood, Kirishima... Moving forward to assist.

Momo and Kirishima lifted their weapons and began to fire, attacking their enemy ahead. The enemy in question was defending a facility that they had control of, on the inside was a weapon of mass destruction, something that they wished to use to ensure their side won and ruled over all with fear. This weapon was called the fold weapon, something once created in the past but on a much smaller scale. Inside the facility was a single titan, a Vanguard class, and his pilot. They had just dealt with their final enemy, the leader of this entire operation, Tomura Shigaraki. He was a tough fight, tougher due to the multiple quirks he now possessed, but even then they prevailed, barely...

BT: P-P-P-Pilot. My auto-navigation system is damaged, and I require your help to move forward.

Izuku: Understood BT. Let's finish this...

Izuku helped pilot BT toward the fold weapon, although on a much smaller scale, it was still very dangerous. Moving forward, weapon in hand, Izuku aimed the X0-16, pressing a button on the right side of his console at the same time, opening two salvo pods that locked onto the fold weapon's outer casing.

BT: R-R-Ready when you are p-pilot.

With that being said, Izuku released the button, firing the 20 rockets at the metal casing before firing the X0-16, heavily damaging the casing that bent and fell to the floor, revealing the bright blue orb inside.

Izuku: All teams retreat, I have eyes on the Ark. I'll destroy the weapon now before reinforcements arrive!

???: But what about you?! You'll be killed!

Izuku: I'm sorry Kendo, but it has to be done.

BT: Pilot, Multi-target missiles rearmed and ready to fire.

Izuku: I'm sorry, Kendo.. I love you.

Izuku started firing again, the Ark slowly turning red as it was damaged, exploding, engulfing Izuku and BT in a wave of red, cutting off Izuku's yell as it exploded. 

Izuku: AHHH-!

Over Kendo's radio and anyone else who supported Izuku, his yell was cut short, replaced with static. He was gone...

To Be Continued...

This chapter was intentionally made short, as this prologue was unplanned. Expect a longer chapter for Chapter 1.

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