Chapter 3

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Izuku overlooked the group of pro heroes and police slowly closing in, guns or quirks at the ready in case they needed to defend themselves or attack.

Izuku: BT, we have to move. If we're captured who knows what they'll do to you? This'll be easier to do since the top two pro heroes aren't here, or haven't arrived yet.

BT responded through an encoded message in Izuku's helmet.

BT: Do you have a plan?

Izuku: Fire your rockets at them, we can escape in the smoke. Kendo's still here, and I don't think they'll treat her nicely if she's seen with us. Don't kill any of them, you can injure them, but don't kill. If you do, and we are caught, we won't be able to enter UA.

Izuk received another encoded message.

BT: Understood pilot, Tone's weapon is intact as well, we can collect it during our escape.

Izuku: Collect my clothes too, if you can. I left it out there during the scuffle.

BT: Understood.

BT's bright blue eye scanned the surrounding pros and policemen, looking for openings where he could fire his rockets at. He found them, quickly extended and opened his two rocket pods, and fired a barrage, destroying cars and sending both police officers and pros flying in the air or tumbling across the ground. They all screamed as they were flung into the air, some landing on cars, the concrete, or a mix of both. BT started running, smashing the remainder of the gate as he bashed through it, picking up Tone's cannon as he made a mad dash for the woods.

Pro Hero: Stop them!

The pro was struggling to stand up, his body in intense pain along with others around him who worked to stand. The news helicopter above chased after Izuku and BT, wanting to follow them to give the heroes their location live.

Newswoman: Keep on them, Frank!

Frank grunted and tilted the joystick, just above the trees lining the road and chasing BT deeper into the wooded area.

BT: Pilot, we must lose the helicopter if we wish to escape.

Izuku: We could shoot them down.

Kendo: What?!

Izuku: BT, lock onto them using your multi-target missiles, and aim for the rear or top rotor.

BT: Understood.

bt: Took control and twisted his upper body, opening his left rocket pod and firing a single rocket that passed the news helicopter before quickly turning around when BT looked at the rear rotor of the chopper.



Mark: Countermeasures!

Before Mark could fire off his flares, the missile hit the rear left rotor, ripping off the tail entirely and setting the inside in flames. As it crashed to the ground the propellers were destroyed by the trees and their branches, the newswoman, the cameraman, and Frank all caught on fire, quickly exiting the helicopter since they received minor damage despite the burns. They started rolling on the ground to put out the fire, the only one receiving severe burns being frank since he was hit with the fire on the right side of his face. BT, Izuku, and Kendo watched as the helicopter crashed down the road, some flames stretching to the nearby trees. Pro Heroes could be seen down the road along with police and ambulances. BT took control and started running into the woods, his weapons attached to the rocket pods on his back and hanging as he ran.

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