Chapter 2

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It's been 10 years since Izuku met BT. 10 years since his life began anew and changed for the better. Izuku was standing just outside of a canyon with BT, wearing the helmet and jump kit that he had grown into a while back.

Izuku: And you're sure this is a better spot for training?

Izuku said this as he looked down into the canyon, and then at BT.

BT: Yes. The terrain is perfect for your training. After the Nano shot you received, you should be able to withstand the fall, if you were ever to be injured you would regenerate.

Izuku: Yeah. I know that, but I just wanted to get your opinion.

BT gave Izuku a thumbs up, with Izuku reciprocated the action.

BT: I will record your time as soon as you begin. I recommend that you hurry as you have school in 1 hour.

Izuku: Got it, BT.

Izuku got set up and started the training. I was sprinting the entire way through to the other side of the canyon in less than 25 seconds.

BT: Pilot, you completed this run in less than 25 seconds, that is the best run a pilot has done.

Izuku: Was this with or without any targets? You mentioned the gauntlet a while back, right?

BT: Correct, but that was with set-up targets. Maybe next time we could set some up.

Izuku: Sounds like a good idea. It'll be good practice for me.

BT: Indeed. Now, we should get you set up for a throw, use the city for your wall-running training.

Izuku: Good idea. Alright BT, are you ready?

BT went to an opening not that far away and prepared himself to throw Izuku.

BT: Of course. Climb onto my hand when ready.

Izuku nodded and double-jumped onto BT's hand after he stretched his joints a bit. Izuku looked at BT and gave him a thumbs up.

Izuku: You got this, BT.

BT: Prepare yourself Izuku.

Izuku did, and the next thing he knew he was flung toward Musutafu, preparing himself to either double-jump, wall run, or roll when landing. Izuku eventually hit a large building with glass windows and started to wall-run, his footsteps alerting the workers inside.

???: Miss Ryukyu? Someone is running across your agency right now. Yes, I am serious. No, I do not know how he got to our floor without being noticed.

Ryukyu: Alright, thank you, Hina. I'll go stop whoever this is from using their quirk.

The #13 hero, Ryukyu smiled softly and placed her office phone back down into its receiver with a quiet click before walking out of her office just as Izuku ran across her office windows, smudging the glass with his slightly muddy boots. Ryukyu watched as Izuku ran across her office's long windows. She also watched how Izuku waved at her before jumping, most likely going to another building below hers. Inhaling and exhaling deeply, with a puff of smoke exiting her nose, Ryukyu kept her cool as she walked toward the elevator, aiming to change forms on her private helicopter pad.

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