Chapter 11

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Izuku woke up, his head throbbing, face hot, and back caked in sweat, his bedsheets sticking to it.

Izuku: Agh, what the fuck?

He grumbled, rolling out of bed and groaning, his back aching.

Izuku: The fuck did I do in my sleep?

He ruffled his hair and stood up, groaning while tossing his blanket back onto his bed. He stopped, however, when he saw some black cloth wedged between his blanket. He reached out and pulled it out, holding it out in front of him, revealing the panties that Kendo had left behind. He quickly bundled them up and shoved them under his bed, wiping the cum from his hand on the floor after doing so.

Izuku: Oh shit, what the fuck did I do? Shit, shit, shit, shit...

He held his head and sat down, trying to remember what he had done before falling asleep. He knows he took a shower and fell asleep but doesn't remember stealing anybody's panties.

Izuku: Who's panties did I steal?

He shook his head and got up, quickly getting dressed before stepping out of his dorm room and the building itself. It was nighttime, and late, too. He shivered, the cold night air burning his lungs and nose before he walked away, making his way toward the workshop.


At the workshop, Izuku stopped just after entering the doorway, watching Hatsume and Freddy still working on BT's chassis, welding, bolting, or banging in new pieces of armor for the chassis that they had ready.

Izuku: You've been working hard, I see. How long have you two been working now?

Hatsume: Since you brought him in here!

BT: That is not true. You and Freddy were-

Hatsume: Not another word!

She threw her wrench at BT the tool clanging off of his chassis and falling onto Freddy's head, making him yell.

Hatsume: We've been working all night and most of the day. Nezu said that you need it and we're trying to finish as quickly as possible.

Izuku: How much longer do you think it'll take?

Freddy: At least another few hours, maybe around 9:30 in the morning?

Izuku looked at his watch, the time read 1:34 AM.

Izuku: Alright, well, I'm going to head out. Maybe explore the town.

Hatsume: If you get caught you didn't talk to me or see me at all.

Izuku: Yeah, yeah, I know. Real quick before I leave, BT, give me any information you can on Momo Yaoyorozu. I want her phone number specifically.

Freddy: Are you trying to get some with one of your students?

Izuku: No, not anything like that. She wanted me to speak to her father after the USJ trip but I forgot to go speak to him. I'll head over now.

BT: Would it not be better to wait until dawn?

Izuku: Yeah, but you'll be done by then, and I'll get whatever Momo's father needs to talk about over with.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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