Chapter 5

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BT, Izuku, and Hatsume all made it to BT's little hidey-hole, BT fell to his knees and opened his hatch, allowing Izuku and Hatsume to quickly jump out before he fell to his side, his metal joints creaking under the sudden weight put on them from the left.

BT: Hull sustained heavy damage. Internal systems are still functioning, but the top hatch is destroyed and unsalvageable, a replacement is required.

Izuku: Goddamnit... Anything else?

BT: News reports show approximately forty villains died in the battle. We are being blamed for all forty deaths.

Izuku: Damnit... What's the plan BT? If I try to do the entrance exam, even with only the jump kit they'll suspect I'm your pilot.

BT: That is true. Unfortunately, I do not have any plans. I am sorry, pilot.

Izuku: It's okay. I need to sneak in, steal a few parts for you, then return and repair you. I can try doing the exams without the jump kit.

BT: That is possible, but it will hinder your combat effectiveness by 30%

Izuku: It should be fine, and if I need to I'll just call you in using my phone.

BT gave Izuku a thumbs up and looked at Mei who was currently standing at the entrance of the cave, holding up her cell phone. His scans showed she was attempting to call Freddy. He hacked into it just before Mei connected with Freddy, allowing him to listen in on the conversation.

Hatsume: Freddy? Freddy, are you ok?

Freddy: I am, Mei, don't worry. Where are you?

Hatsume: I'm in a cave high up in the mountains. I'll be-

Freddy: Mei? Mei, are you there?

Hatsume: I'm ⁇µ₱ cave ₩№‖ safe.

Freddy: Mei? Mei, I can't hear you.

Mei was looking at her phone, the last bar disappearing. She had lost connection.

Hatsume: Damnit. Piece of shit...

Mei felt cold steel press against the back of her head and she looked as far back as she could with her eyes, only being able to see Izuku's right shoulder, the Maurader corp insignia showing.

Izuku: Don't move. Making that call could have possibly given away our location, and my friend would have most likely been scrapped, or worse, reprogrammed. Next time, be a little brighter. You build things, you should know this already.

Hatsume: What are you talking about? I only build little things...

Izuku: So you talking to that titan was just a coincidence, no? A rogue titan that wasn't a part of UA or the hero commission decides to speak to a random girl on the street as if he knew her?

Mei gulped, her lie failed miserably.

Izuku: Luckily for you, I won't kill you. Unluckily for you, you'll be helping me steal from UA so I can repair BT.

Hatsume: And If I refuse?

Izuku: I won't kill you. But I'll make you wish you were. There are many fates worse than death...

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