Chapter 10

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The class finished the training exercise about an hour or two later, at the end of everything, BT had taken some damage while everyone else's Titans were either in critical condition or destroyed. Izuku returned to the dorms immediately after class, already fuming from what happened with Katsuki and his sister, Shoka, Katsumi, and Shoka. He tried to calm himself down between matches but he always lost his progress whenever he looked at his previous tormentors or heard their names uttered by the others. Instead of returning to his dorm, though, he went to Kendo's and lay on her couch, kicking his feet up and staring at the ceiling after taking his helmet off. He asked BT to be left alone for the time being, needing time to cool off before he could speak with anybody for long periods. He was alone for the next 9 hours before Kendo returned. She was covered in sweat and breathing heavily, returning from the gym after training with their Titans. She had her face in a towel, preventing her from seeing Izuku as he lay on her couch and stared at her.

Kendo: "Jesus I stink..."

Kendo whispered, sniffing herself mid wipedown before moving her towel from her face and looking at Izuku.

Kendo: Oh! I didn't know you were here.

Izuku: I've been here for a while, now. I think a few hours now.

Kendo: Well... I need to take a shower. Are you ok with waiting a few more minutes, Izuku?

Izuku covered his face with a pillow and motioned with his hand. Kendo walked away quickly, heading to her room and gathering clothes to shower. Ten minutes later she entered the living room, wearing a baggy black t-shirt and baggy red shorts, her hair in a ponytail. Izuku moved his legs, allowing her to sit on the couch. She stared at him, her gaze was soft and caring. She placed her hand on his thigh, rubbing slowly.

Kendo: What's going on, big guy?

Izuku looked away before sitting up and crossing his legs, Kendo still rubbing his thigh before moving her hand to the back of his and rubbing that.

Izuku: I don't know... I don't even know why I came here, to be honest. I just wanted to see you and talk to you.

Kendo: About?

She crossed her legs onto the couch, looking Izuku in the eyes and leaning forward. Izuku sighed and moved his body to face her directly, being a little uncomfortable since he was slipping off the couch a bit.

Izuku: I always feel mad now that I'm here at UA. I have to deal with the Bakugou and Todoroki twins, then my sister, and now we have to be supervised 24/7. I can't even go off campus to do my own thing without a teacher on my ass. Then I got you roped into this and now you're stuck here and can't go to your friends or family without a teacher present either.

Kendo: I don't mind. Sure, it's sometimes awkward, but I still get to see my family and friends. I don't even have to leave to see you since we live on campus.

She held his hand, rubbing the back with her thumb, moving slowly to feel each vein. Now that she looked at his hand closely, she could see just how much they stood out. Not just on his hand but his entire arm.

Izuku: Yes, you get to do that. But when I go out I'm usually stuck with Mirko. That woman is insufferable. All she cares about is fighting villains this, fighting villains that.

Kendo: Well, then I guess I'm lucky since I have to go with Ectoplasm.

Kendo laughed, releasing his hand before grasping his forearm and pulling. Izuku pulled his arm away quickly, though.

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